Corpus Domini, Pope Francis returns to San Giovanni in Laterano

The celebration of Corpus Domini returned to tradition with the mass that Pope Francis presided at 5pm in San Giovanni in Laterano. Starting from 2018, the Pontiff wanted to celebrate Corpus Domini in the Roman suburbs. He thus chose Casal Bertone and the following year Ostia with the processions presided over by the then vicar of Rome, Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, now transferred to the Penitentiary. From 2020, the restrictions imposed by the pandemic and the impediments due to the uncertain health of the Pontiff took over which led to the liturgy being canceled in 2022 and 2023.

“Every day we see too many streets, perhaps once smelling of baked bread, reduced to piles of rubble due to war, selfishness and indifference. It is urgent to bring back into the world the good and fresh aroma of the bread of love, to continue to hope and rebuild without ever tiring what hatred destroys.” As Pope francesco in the homily.

“The Eucharist teaches us to bless, to welcome and kiss, always, in thanksgiving, the gifts of God, and this not only in the celebration: also in life”. “For example, by not wasting the things and talents that the Lord has given us. But also by forgiving and lifting up those who make mistakes and fall through weakness or error: because everything is a gift and nothing can be lost, because no one can remain down, and everyone they must have the opportunity to get up and resume their journey” – continued Pope Francis -.

During the prayer of the faithful, in the mass there is also a prayer for peace: “for those who pursue thoughts of violence so that the blood of the Lord, shed to purify our consciences from the works of death, converts them into peacemakers”. And also a prayer for the city of Rome: “so that the Lord may inspire in its inhabitants, according to each person’s responsibility, choices of brotherhood, acceptance and mutual solidarity”.

After the mass the procession which, along Via Merulana, will reach the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore where Pope Francis will impart the Solemn Blessing with the Blessed Sacrament.

Andrea Marini’s service

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