Boys overwhelmed by the Natisone, the embrace in the midst of the flood

31 May 2024

The three boys overwhelmed by the Natisone flood.

They are underway searches for the three young people who were overwhelmed in the early afternoon of today from the flood of the Natisone, at the height of the Roman Bridge of Premariacco. The three were on a small island in the middle of the river and called for help when the water quickly began to rise.

On that islet, they hugged each othertrying to save themselves from the fury of the water, which then, unfortunately, has them dragged away. The first attempts by the firefighters were useless that they tried with ladder truck and ropes to help them.

The post of the mayor of Premariacco, Michele De Sabata: “Updating news. They are looking for 3 people, a man and 2 girls in the Natisone river, they were blocked by the flood. The car stopped in Premariacco has a Romanian license plate, 2 helicopters were on the river between Premariacco and Manzano, 1 of the firefighters returned to Ronchi + the divers and the 118 air ambulance landed and was waiting at Casali Potoccoone also arrived fire boat who will try to go up the river from Orsaria, unfortunately the river is rising”.

From approximately 1.30 pm today, 31 May 2024, the Udine firefighters are intervening with land teams, SFA (Alluvial River Rescuers), supported by Drago 141, the helicopter of the Flight Department of the Fire Brigade command. from Venice, the divers of the Venice command and additional SFA operators of the 3 Fire Brigade commands. of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Meanwhile, the Cividale police are trying to trace the identity of the three young people. “The situation is tragic – said councilor Antonio Michelutti -, the more time passes, the more difficult it becomes“.

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