The event wanted by Pope Francis begins in Rome – Radio Senise Centrale

World Children’s Day begins in Rome. Over 100 thousand children, between the ages of six and 13, arrived from 101 countries around the world: a wave of joy, enthusiasm, desire to experience two days of dialogue, celebration, sharing and prayer together with Pope Francis.

Basilicata is present with 700 school boys and girls, 200 chaperones and 100 Lucanian volunteers, who have been working for days for the success of this historic event, which will see tens of thousands of minors of different nationalities and religions side by side. Many of them come from areas of the planet devastated by war and poverty.

For everyone, Pope Francis is a friend and a point of reference, as declared in a statement by Father Enzo Fortunato, Aldo Cagnoli, Marco Impagliazzo and Angelo Chiorazzo, who are coordinating the organization of the event, which is entrusted to the Cooperativa Auxilium, born in Basilicata, and to the Community of Sant’Egidio.

Adds Angelo Chiorazzo, who early in the morning accompanied a group of children to “try out” the Olympic pitch and then visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “We are convinced that this meeting represents a very important sign not only for the Catholic Church but for all humanity: for every man and woman in search of peace, a better future, a more fraternal world and a cleaner planet.

This belief has also become certainty thanks to the many people and institutions who have made themselves available freely and enthusiastically to cooperate in the success of World Children’s Day: hundreds of volunteers, artists, men and women from the world of entertainment, culture, sport, public and private institutions, large companies and schools.

Together to put the little ones at the centre, the future generation which, as Pope Francis said, manifests the desire of each of us to grow and renew ourselves and reminds us that we are all children and brothers”.

“Behold, I make all things new” is the title chosen by Pope Francis for the new event, which will see several “firsts” today 25 May and tomorrow 26 May. Like, for example, the “kick-off” that the Pontiff will give to the match between champions and children on the lawn of the Olimpico and a monologue by Oscar winner Roberto Benigni in St. Peter’s, at the end of the event.

World Children’s Day, which is sponsored by the Dicastery for Culture and Education, opens today 25 May, at 3.30 pm at the Olympic Stadium with a meeting made up of music, sport, reflections and spirituality, hosted by Carlo Conti. Immediately a match between the children and the international footballers captained by Gianluigi Buffon.

Then the parade of over 100 delegations in traditional clothes and many musical moments: the performance of the event’s anthem by Marco Frisina, by the Piccolo Coro dello Zecchino d’Oro and the Galassia choirs. And the songs of Renato Zero, Al Bano, Orietta Berti and Carolina Benvenga.

The Pope, who is scheduled to arrive at the stadium at 4.30pm, will talk to the children, answering their questions. The program also features testimonies from Catherine Russell, executive director of Unicef, Lino Banfi and director Matteo Garrone. There will be 70 thousand children in the stadium.

Sunday 26th at 9.30 in St. Peter’s Square, with a moment of entertainment by the Piccolo Coro dello Zecchino d’Oro and the choirs of the Galassia.

At 10.30am the start of the Mass presided over by Pope Francis. At the end the Pontiff will recite the Angelus and followed, as mentioned, by Roberto Benigni’s monologue.

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