Gasperini-Atalanta meeting: there has already been a first conversation with Percassi, here’s what’s filtering through

Gasperini-Percassi meeting to resolve doubts about the future between Atalanta and Napoli: the latest news from Sky Sport

Latest Serie A news Also likes it Naples Of De Laurentiismeanwhile Gasperini after the victory ofEuropa League meets the property ofAtalanta to decide his future.

Gasperini-Atalanta match: the sensation

The latest from the correspondent arrives from Sky Sport Massimiliano Nebuloni on the expected meeting between the president of Atalanta Percassi and Gian Piero Gasperini. Optimism filters from society, col Naples that remains at the window: in the event of divorce, in fact, Gasp would be the number one candidate of De Laurentiis.

These are the words of Nebulons on Sky Sport 24:

“There has already been a confrontation in the hotel after the victory in Dublin the other evening, between Gasperini and Percassi: an atmosphere of great cordiality and affection. Percassi is in Zingonia but it’s nothing new, he often goes there during the week. That today, however, is symbolic because today there will be a discussion about the future with Gasperini. The feeling is that the story between Gasperini and Atalanta will continue, but we have no certainties at the moment. The coach will want to understand in which direction it will go club, if the bar is raised to try to compete for some important objectives next year too, the Scudetto will be a difficult objective, but with the proceeds from the Champions League and the victory in the Europa League, the club will have significant revenues. We will have to see if the plans match up. After this afternoon’s meeting, if it is decisive, we will decide whether to move forward together or separate.

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