six young people in trouble. Flurry of complaints and news

six young people in trouble. Flurry of complaints and news
six young people in trouble. Flurry of complaints and news

Jesi (Ancona), 23 May 2024 – One-eyed beating in the street, the attackers escape but the police find them and report them. Not only does the police commissioner of Ancona Cesare Capocasa sign six urban daspos and ban them from accessing the areas where the violence occurred. The attack occurred last month but only hit the news today. On site, a street close to the train station, the police squad intervened promptly, responding to several reports of a particularly heated argument in the street. It was the early evening hours and the flow of people, on foot and in cars, was still strong. However, at the reported location, the police found no confirmation of the reports. Continuing their patrolling activity, shortly afterwards, the police came across four young people who showed clear signs of violent physical contact that had just stopped. The officers requested the intervention of 118 healthcare personnel, thus ensuring initial treatment for the injured. They then acquired every useful indication for reconstructing the event. The four young people, shortly before, had been molested near a city shopping center and then followed for a long distance by a group of six peers who, at a certain point and without a plausible reason, attacked them first with pushes and then with kicks and punches. The attackers then quickly fled. The careful investigative activity of the Jesi policemen, in the following days, found confirmation of the declarations of the attacked young people and allowed the identification and identification of the members of the attacking group: six young people all living in Jesi who were reported for injuries aggravated. Added to this was the preventive action of the Anti-Crime Division of the Ancona Police Headquarters which, after an in-depth investigation, proposed the issuance of the “urban daspo” prevention measure with which, for a period of one year, the attackers they will not be able to frequent the commercial meeting places (nor their external appurtenances) in the entire city area affected by the violent events. Having evaluated the findings, the police commissioner Cesare Capocasa issued six measures prohibiting young people from accessing urban areas. “The State Police – comments the commissioner Cesare Capocasa – exists and is present in the city and in the Province also through the issuing of specific prevention measures, the exclusive responsibility of the commissioner, measures which are fundamental as they are aimed at avoiding the commission of crimes by certain categories of subjects considered socially dangerous. These measures have contributed significantly to combating common crime, to eliminating phenomena attributable to violent youth aggregations and gangland and therefore to guaranteeing a higher level high level of safety for citizens and, in fact, to improve the quality of civil coexistence”.

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