Morvillo School, Barbara Bartolotti’s book presented yesterday – Monreale News

Morvillo School, Barbara Bartolotti’s book presented yesterday – Monreale News
Morvillo School, Barbara Bartolotti’s book presented yesterday – Monreale News

May 22, 2024 Instruction

His touching testimony moved everyone present

MONREALE, 22 May – At the Morvillo school the initiatives linked to the month of legality continue: this time the students of the third classes of the secondary school met Barbara Bartolotti who yesterday morning, 21 May, in the “Luigi Caracausi” assembly hall ”, presented the autobiographical book “Una storia. Barbara… Free to… live” in which she talks about the attack she suffered in 2003 and the long recovery process after being hammered, stabbed and burned alive.

This initiative is part of a path dedicated to the valorization of women and the fight against inequalities and gender violence. In the presence of the Mayor of Monreale, the mayor’s consultant Salvo Giangreco and the Director Stefano Gorgone, Barbara Bartolotti explained not only the brutal violence she suffered, at the hands of a work colleague who attacked her with ferocity, but also told the process of rebirth that led her to heal from the scars, both of the body and the soul, and to be an example of legality.

His touching testimony moved everyone present and allowed us to address issues related to love, possession, respect and violence. Barbara and her family did not choose the path of revenge and resentment, but decided to put themselves at the service of the community. The woman founded the “Free to live” association to help women, men and children who are victims of physical, psychological and verbal aggression and to educate young people about respect.

This woman’s incredible strength and will to live made the souls of everyone present vibrate. In honor of her, the notes of “Vietato mori” by Ermal Meta were sung and the composition by Agnese Sferruzza, “Stidda”, a student awarded in the “Save your local language” competition, was read.

“The idea of ​​dedicating the legality path to the fight against feminicide” – declares Francesca Giammona, director of the institute – “arises from the awareness that among young people there is an equation that jealousy and possession are evidence of love. The message we want to convey, however, is that love is always dressed in respect and freedom.”

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