Pope in Verona: meeting with children and young people, “we must be a sign of peace”

Pope in Verona: meeting with children and young people, “we must be a sign of peace”
Pope in Verona: meeting with children and young people, “we must be a sign of peace”

The Pope in Verona meeting the young people

“How can we be signs of peace in the world? There are many wars today: Ukraine, the Holy Land, Africa, Myanmar. So many wars and Jesus preaches peace. We must be a sign of peace but if you argue with your partner you are a sign of peace?”. Pope Francis said this in his meeting with the children and young people gathered in Piazza San Zeno in Verona, in front of the basilica, at the end of the meeting with the priests on 18 May, on the occasion of the pastoral visit.

The pontiff answered some of their questions. The first: how can I hear Jesus’ call? “When Jesus speaks he makes us feel good, he makes us feel joy in our hearts. And so we will be able to hear the call of Jesus, because he makes us feel good.” Then, the theme of peace. So, the last question on the topic of keeping the faith in times of difficulty. The Pope cited the case of the death of a very dear person. “We have to go against the grain. How can we go against the current?”, the Pope asked the children. “Don’t be afraid to go against the grain if you want to do a good thing”. Before taking his leave and reaching the Arena, the Pope prayed with the children and young people present.

Source Agensir

(Photo Vatican Media/Sir)


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