Horoscope of the day: Friday 17 May 2024

May 16, 2024, 6.30pm

5 min read

LiveSicilia’s horoscope of the day, edited by Skystar, to find out what the forecasts are for May 17, 2024. Love, work, well-being and luck. Rankings, votes and advice from Sicilian stars will accompany you until the new sun rises.

Horoscope of the day: from Aries to Virgo, the forecasts for May 17, 2024

♈ Aries

Today you will feel like a petrol engine in a world of electric cars: loud, energetic and a little out of place. Despite your efforts, the world seems unwilling to cooperate. At the end of the day, you will need a good amount of patience.

Rating: 5/10
Council of the Sicilian stars: “Take a breath of fresh air and remember that life is like a granita: better to enjoy it chianu chianu.”
Comment: Today is a day of frustrations and outbursts, but don’t be discouraged, Aries. Take a breath and try again tomorrow.

♉ Taurus

The stars suggest that today you may be tempted to abandon your diet in favor of a sweet sin of gluttony. Don’t worry too much, a day of indulgence won’t hurt anyone. Just remember to balance it out with some physical activity.

Rating: 7/10
Council of the Sicilian stars: “Unni there’s good food, there’s always a great celebration.”
Comment: Enjoy a nice meal today, Taurus, but remember to take a walk afterwards.

♊ Gemini

Your mind will be a tornado of brilliant ideas today, but be careful not to get too scattered. Focus your energy on one project at a time to achieve real results. The stars favor you, all it takes is a little concentration.

Rating: 8/10
Council of the Sicilian stars: “Put some air and study in Sira, everyone will arrive.”
Comment: Today, Gemini, you have a head like a train. Focus and achieve success.

♋ Cancer

Today you will feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. It’s time to ask for help and share your burdens. There is no shame in seeking support from friends or family. A little rest will do you good.

Rating: 6/10
Council of the Sicilian stars: “Don’t burden yourself with everyone like this, because life is a bed of company.”
Comment: Cancer, you carry too much weight. Relax help and see if you feel better.

♌ Leo

Today your pride may be tested. Someone may challenge you or criticize you, but you remain calm and respond with class. Your natural charisma will help you get out of any situation with elegance.

Rating: 7/10
Council of the Sicilian stars: “You’re calm and classy, ​​you go straight ahead.”
Comment: Leo, some people challenge you, but you have calm and elegance, come back and move forward.

♍ Virgo

Your meticulousness today could drive those around you crazy. Try to relax and not be too critical of others. Not everyone can be as perfect as you! A little flexibility will only do you good.

Rating: 6/10
Council of the Sicilian stars: “There’s no need to be precise, just relax every now and then.”
Comment: Virgo, relax a little today. Not everyone can be as perfect as you.

Horoscope of the day: from Libra to Pisces, the forecasts for May 17, 2024

♎ Libra

Today will be a day of balance and harmony. Take advantage of this serenity to dedicate yourself to your passions or to spend time with loved ones. Everything seems to go smoothly, take advantage of it!

Rating: 9/10
Council of the Sicilian stars: “Sta ‘n armunia, eu cori sivagghia.”
Comment: Libra, today everything is going smoothly. Spend time with the one you love and enjoy this tranquility.

♏ Scorpio

The stars predict a day of passion and intensity. You may find yourself involved in strong emotional situations, but remember to remain calm. Don’t let emotions take over. At the end of the day, you may feel exhausted but satisfied.

Rating: 7/10
Council of the Sicilian stars: “Let the emotions flow, but don’t forget to stay calm.”
Comment: Scorpio, today passions and intensity. Keep calm and viri ca finish tired but cuntentu.

♐ Sagittarius

Today is a perfect day for adventure and exploration. If you have the chance, take a trip or discover a new place. The stars are on your side and will push you towards new experiences that will enrich your spirit.

Rating: 9/10
Council of the Sicilian stars: “Advance, discover and laugh, ca ‘u munnu è ‘na maravigghia.”
Comment: Sagittarius, today is a day for discoveries. Leave, live and laugh, ca ‘u munnu waits for you.

♑ Capricorn

Today your determination will be tested. You may face obstacles at work or in your personal projects, but don’t give up. Your persistence will take you to the end of the day with a sense of accomplishment.

Rating: 8/10
Council of the Sicilian stars: “A hard head makes travagghiu puru cu i petri.”
Comment: Capricorn, obstacles won’t stop you today. He continues with a strong head and viri ca t’abuschi ‘u success.

♒ Aquarius

The stars indicate that you may feel a little rebellious and eager for change today. Follow your instincts but be careful not to act too impulsively. A little planning never hurts, even for a free spirit like you.

Rating: 7/10
Council of the Sicilian stars: “Yes, free as you come, but a little thought doesn’t hurt.”
Comment: Aquarius, today desire for changes. Yes free, but think before you act.

♓ Pisces

Today the stars suggest letting yourself go to creativity. Experiment with art, music, or any other form of artistic expression. You will feel regenerated and at peace with yourself.

Rating: 8/10
Council of the Sicilian stars: “When art is lived better and you sleep better.”
Comment: Pisces, today let your creativity blossom. Let yourself be transported and feel at peace.

Ranking for Friday 17 May 2024: from first to last mark

1 – Libra
2 – Sagittarius
3 – Capricorn
4 – Gemini
5 – Pisces
6 – Taurus

7 – Leo
8 – Scorpio
9 – Aquarius
10 – Cancer
11 – Virgo
12 – Aries


Published on

May 16, 2024, 6.30pm

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