TEXA Diagnosis Contest 2024: Bolzano wins

The now traditional appointment with TEXA Diagnosis Contest 2024the first national competition dedicated to future repair professionals, saw the emergence of the duo formed by students Boban Pecovski and Daniele Squeo from CFP Luigi Einaudi of Bolzano.

The event, which took place at the TEXA headquarters in Monastier di Treviso, had the vehicle interface as its first prize Navigator TXT MULTIHUBan indispensable diagnostic tool in the workshop.

In second place the CFP ENAIP Trentino of Villazzano (Trento) with the couple Gabriel Buzovii and Andrea Costa and to the third theIPSIAG Giorgi of Veronawith Alessandro Bassotto and Tommaso Stizzoli.

The final after the selection

The students admitted to the competition belonged to 15 Institutes who had passed the pre-selections, in which the 61 TEXAEDU Academy present on Italian territory.

THE 30 Boyscoming from 9 regionsthey then challenged each other on 5 time trialsto demonstrate that we are true Diagnostic Technicians 4.0, specialized in repairing faults in modern vehicles:

  • multiple choice tests;
  • diagnosis and analysis of motorcycle parameters;
  • electrical check on a car with oscilloscope;
  • securing a hybrid/electric vehicle;
  • calibration of an ADAS system with gateway unlocking.

Bruno Vianello, President of TEXA:

“I am very happy for the winners of the TEXA Diagnosis Contest and for the great participation of all the institutes involved”.

“Fifteen years ago we came up with this ‘Grand Prix of Diagnosis’ to give kids a chance to get involved, taking advantage of their ingenuity and the technical knowledge learned at school, through our training courses”.

“The Contest has grown year after year, because it is a healthy competition that allows you to compete with the most widespread technologies in the automotive sector”.

“The objective is that, thanks to a solid theoretical and practical preparation, these young people will be able to enter the world of work, providing a valuable contribution to the growth of our sector”.


TEXAEDU is the company division specialized in training of students and professionals in vehicle repairs.

It also takes the same name educational and social program created and supported by TEXA, recognized by Ministry of Education and Merit (MIM)established in 2004 to contribute to the training of young mechanics.

To date they have been created 61 Academy in as many technical and professional institutes in Italy.

Thanks to a 150 hour training coursestudents have the opportunity to develop specific skills and enter the world of work with concrete and current preparation.

There educational value of the TEXAEDU project and the Diagnosis Contest was confirmed once again by the MIM, which included it in its Register of Excellences, “the list of external entities accredited to collaborate with the School Administration to promote and implement national and international comparison and competition programs dedicated to students of secondary schools, state and private”.

This is the list of schools that participated in the TEXA Diagnosis Contest 2024:

  • FP Bassa Reggiana, Guastalla (Reggio Emilia)
  • FP ENAIP Trentino, Villazzano (Trento)
  • FP Youth House Foundation, Trissino (Vicenza)
  • FP Luigi Einaudi (Bolzano)
  • FP Zanardelli, Edolo (Brescia)
  • Torquato Tasso National Boarding School (Salerno)
  • ENAIP Forlì Cesena (Cesena)
  • IS Galilei Ferrari (Turin)
  • IS Marconi Guarasci, Cosenza
  • IS Scarpa Mattei, San Stino di Livenza (Venice)
  • PSIA Archimede, Barletta
  • PSIA Giovanni Giorgi, Verona
  • PSIA Leon Battista Alberti, Rimini
  • PSIAS Di Marzio-Michetti, Pescara
  • SS Giorgi-Fermi, Treviso.

TEXA Diagnosis Contest 2024

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