26-year-old Afghan arrested – Nordest24

On the afternoon of last Monday 6 May, the Compartmental Operations Center of the Railway Police of Trieste, through the external camera system, noticed an individual who, armed with a bar, began to hit the cars parked in via Flavio Gioia.

The personnel of the Polfer Operations Department immediately arrived on site he stopped a man still holding an iron bar over 40 cm in his hand, retrieved from a parking reservation device. The investigations revealed that the young man appears to be a twenty-six year old Afghan citizen, homeless, asylum seeker.

Taken to the local police offices, the foreigner, who demonstrated that he sufficiently understood the Italian language, after claiming to have acted “for fun”, he immediately flew into a rage, maintaining an inconsistent and aggressive attitude, so much so that the Agents were forced to call in medical personnel from the local Cattinara hospital to check on his health conditions.

Accompanied to the emergency room and monitored by railway police officers, the Afghan, even in the hospital, began to behave in an angry manner, proving to be not at all cooperative and deciding, at a certain point, to leave the hospital, chased by the Polfer Agents, who had in the meantime received a support patrol.

After being stopped again, the man resisted by refusing to get into the police vehicle and maintaining a hostile and violent attitude.

The foreigner was taken back to the office, where he continued to maintain an offensive attitude he was placed under arrest and subsequently transferred to the local prison, at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.

It also emerged that the Afghan was the same person who had been stopped by a Polfer officer during the late afternoon of April 18th, again in Via Gioia. after he had smashed the windows of a parked car with stones, attempting, after having entered the vehicle, to lift the bonnet of the car. Even then the foreigner, accompanied to the Railway Police offices of the station, in an apparent state of confusion, had proven aggressive and had been entrusted to the emergency room doctors for the necessary assessments.

The young man is now under investigation and under arrest for the crimes of resisting a public official and damage as well as for the attempted theft reported by the owner of the first violated alley.

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