Golden feet

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“My name is Pasquale and I’m here to write to you because I’m on a pause for reflection with my girlfriend about an absurd story, in my opinion. She and I love each other very much and after two years of relationship we intend to buy a house. The problem is that hers is a fixed-term contract and mine, despite being fixed-term, is not enough for a serious mortgage. What I earn would not be enough to pay expenses and the mortgage and we are in difficulty. One day a friend of mine, Mirko, confessed to me that he earned a lot of money by putting photos of his feet on a website and selling them. As soon as I heard this I decided to try to get the money together for the house. They would never give us a 100% mortgage but if we had 10/20 thousand euros to give in advance everything would be simpler. I thought I had found the solution to everything and that I could finally hope to buy a house and start a family with my girlfriend but when I told her that I had had this idea she responded in an incredible way and I understood that something is wrong between us …”

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Pasquale tells us about a particularly complicated moment in his relationship with the girl, with whom he has serious intentions and life plans together, including buying a house. However, they face an economic difficulty: both have fixed-term contracts that do not provide the financial stability needed to obtain an adequate mortgage.

In an attempt to find a creative solution to accumulate the capital needed for the down payment required for the mortgage, Pasquale came across an unusual idea suggested by a friend, Mirko. The latter said he had earned a significant sum by selling photos of his feet online. Hearing of this possibility, Pasquale thought of using the same method to try to reach the financial goal for the mortgage.

However, when he shared this idea with his girlfriend, hoping to find her support and perhaps enthusiasm for this unconventional solution, the reaction he received was very different from what he had hoped for. The girl’s response not only surprised Pasquale, but also triggered a deeper reflection on their relationship, leading him to question the compatibility of their values ​​and expectations. This has led Pasquale to a “pause for reflection”, during which both are probably evaluating the future of their relationship and how to face the challenges that life presents together.

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