Monte Compatri | Meeting at the Municipality on the regional proposal to amend the law on building amnesties

Published: Sunday, 12 May 2024 – events editorial staff

MONTE COMPATRI (events) – The meeting, followed by a large and attentive audience, given the topic covered, was moderated by Dario Mazzarini

An amendment to the Regional Law for building amnesties was presented on Friday 10 May at the Tinello Borghese, council chamber of the Municipality of. The meeting, followed by a large and attentive audience, given the topic covered, was moderated by Dario Mazzarini, collaborator of the Xth urban planning commission of the Lazio Region.

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Interventions on the topic were made by the mayor Francesco Ferri and the opposition municipal councilor and former Montician mayor Fabio D’acuti. Also speaking to illustrate the historic turning point that the regional law represents were the regional councilor Edy Palazzi, the president of the budget commission of the Lazio region Marco Bertucci and the main architect of the legislative proposal Laura Corrotti, regional councilor (FDI) president of the urban planning commission. Also present was the honorable deputy Andrea Volpi, mayor of Lanuvio, who developed his speech like the other speakers with preparation and accuracy on the urban planning theme.

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A commitment was made by those present to formalize the amendment which provides for the insertion of a second paragraph in the art. 1 and which was officially presented on the occasion. This change will significantly broaden the range of homes eligible for amnesty. Laura Corrotti expressed satisfaction with the numerous amendments which will lead to an improvement of the proposal already advanced. Amendment to the proposed modification of Regional Law n.12/2004. “A proposal brought forward in the Lazio Region which heals an incomprehensible and unjust administrative situation that is over twenty years old”, commented the regional councilor.


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