Marelli, the Region schedules the meeting with little notice. The summit with the company and unions has been postponed

Marelli, the Region schedules the meeting with little notice. The summit with the company and unions has been postponed
Marelli, the Region schedules the meeting with little notice. The summit with the company and unions has been postponed

The Abruzzo Region accepts the request of the trade unions, representatives of the Marelli workers of Sulmona, and opens up to a summit. A summit that the organization has set for next May 10th, to discuss the fate of the Pelligno plant. Meeting destined, however, to be postponed. The notice that the Region gave to the Marelli company was too little, which said it was unable to sit at the table before next May 27th. A postponement that worries the trade unions quite a bit, given the risk of social safety nets starting from the month of June for the 480 employees of the Sulmona plant. The Peligno plant, on which a verification of the industrial and employment situation will be necessary, is the only one in Marelli without a real investment plan. The Ovidian factory is devoid of new orders, and what remains is nothing more than a few residual crumbs. In short, the climate is not the best, also considering the announcement by Sevel, linked to the Sulmona plant, of the future contraction in production. A choice that will lead to the layoffs of some of the workers.

The request for a meeting between the regional body and the company top management was forwarded by the trade unions on 24 April. Marelli’s workers’ organizations have long said they are worried about the possible risk of social safety nets. In less than four years, in fact, production of the Ducato will be stopped. Added to this are some works close to deadline and the tender for Stellantis’ large platform was not won by Marelli. The company management is therefore busy searching for new orders.

According to the trade unions, worried about the future of the factory, the use of social safety nets could resume in June, due to a slight drop in volumes in the budget forecasts which however will need to be verified. There are 480 employees at Marelli in Sulmona, of which 47 are office workers, and 433 are workers. Yesterday, Marianna Scoccia had announced the summit to the press, informing that she had forwarded a note to the regional councilor for Productive Activities, Tiziana Magnacca.

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