Alpitronic of Bolzano on fire, leader in electric charging devices for cars

Alpitronic of Bolzano on fire, leader in electric charging devices for cars
Alpitronic of Bolzano on fire, leader in electric charging devices for cars

The roof of a shed of theAlpitronic it is as big as two football fields left in flames within the span of a few seconds, generating ahuge column Of smoke that gets up above there city Of Bolzanowhile the very rapid intervention Of hundreds Of vigilant of the fire of the surrounding area they save there production of the world leader of the installations Of recharge For car electricalcutting a long furrow one meter wide in the roof.

The alarm forfire toAlpitronic was launched around 9.20 am: «there was talk of an apartment on fire, but when in Viale Druso, going to the site, we saw a huge column of smoke we understood that it wasn’t just an apartment and we alerted all the available forces », he said Christian Auer, inspector fire prevention boss of the permanent body of the Police of the fire Of Bolzano. Within a few minutes, around a hundred firefighters, professionals and volunteers from the entire area went to the scene. The structure was now totally engulfed in flames. It is an old warehouse for storing apples, which Alpitronic he was renovating, a few meters from the offices, laboratories for the development and the production department.

“L’operation Of Alpitronic was not affected fromfire – said, visibly relieved, theCEO And one of the four founders, Philipp Senoner -. THE damage they have interested a part of the warehouse of the former agricultural cooperative “Laurin”, in which some work was in progress Of maintenance And not yet in use. It is currently not possible to make any statements about the cause of the fire or the extent of the damage.”

Alpitronic it was a history Of success from the capacity innovative of theHigh Adigewhich in 15 years have passed from being one start-ups to one reality with a 2023 turnover very close at the theshold of the billion euros. L’agency was founded In the 2009 from four engineers, Andreas Oberrauch, Alessandro Ciceri, Sigrid Zanon And Philipp Senoner. In the 2010 filed the first patent for a inverter to resonant switching that he put Alpitronic contact us immediately With the’aerospace industry. In the same year it is match the first project Of development with the BMW.

In the 2015 L’agencyin strong growth and expansionYes is moved fromincubator of the “We Techpark” Of Bolzano at the production area of the Plans, in the former warehouses, now affected by the fire. In the last years, Alpitronic became trailblazer of the installations Of recharge to very high power for the fast charging. With the exponential growth L’opening Of new locations to Monk Of Bavaria, Bergamo And Bolognawhich occurred in 2023. The 2024 For Alpitronic it started with theopening from the branches to Charlotte in the USA And Milton-Keynes In the United Kingdom. From time yes it is looking for The suitable site for the new, larger seat than to the current one.

As for consequences for the city Of Bolzano and theenvironment there situation seems below checkwith the air quality That he didn’t suffer of the scary fire according to the findings of the firefighters, which will continue in the next few hours.

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