From Di Battista to Travaglio: in Carrara there is Paper Fest – Books in the square

From Di Battista to Travaglio: in Carrara there is Paper Fest – Books in the square
From Di Battista to Travaglio: in Carrara there is Paper Fest – Books in the square

Tomorrow (June 30) in Carrara it will arrive in Piazza San Francesco Paper Fest – Books in the Squarethe first book review launched by the publishing house Paper First of the publishing company Il Fatto.

The initiative is intended to be a preview of a larger festival-style event that will also host other publishing houses that Paper First aims to organize in 2025.

“I am happy to organize a book review in Carrara, a city with so much potential – he says Cinzia Monteverdi, president and CEO of Seif – In addition to the tourist wonders, nestled as it is between the sea and the Alps, I think the city also has a very lively cultural fabric. For this reason we would like to be included in the city’s cultural initiatives with a fixed appointment. This year the exhibition will be dedicated to the titles of our publishing house, but the intention is to extend it to other publishers and create a sort of all-Apuan book fair”.

“For Carrara – he says the mayor of Carrara Serena Arrighi – it is a great pleasure to host this event, I thank everyone Daily fact and in particular Cinzia Monteverdi for choosing our city. It is undoubtedly a high-level event that we hope will become a regular event for the Carrara summer. Carrara has always been a city of culture, but it is also an open city, a city of discussion and dialogue and for this reason I am certain that it is the perfect place for an event like Paper Fest”.

The program of meetings, starting in the morning, will see some of the publishing house’s leading authors taking turns on stage. Titles that have become real editorial successes, at the top of the rankings of best-selling books in Italy. The presentations will be moderated by journalists and information professionals. On stage, hosting the entire day, there will be the journalist, teacher and television presenter Luca Sommi.

The program

It is expected at 10.15am the inauguration of the event with Serena Arrighi (mayor of the Municipality of Carrara), Gea Dazzi (councilor for culture of the Municipality of Carrara), Cinzia Monteverdi (president and CEO of the publishing company Il Fatto).

At 10.30 Alessandro Di Battista presents Inconvenient truths with Sara Lucaroni (journalist and author of The light of Singal. Journey into the Yazidi genocide, editore People)

At 6.30pm Andrea Scanzi presents The Misfortune “a story – this is the definition – of these helter-skelter times. To interpret the present. And to resist this inexorable collapse of our political politics.”

At 8pm Antonio Padellaro presents Only the truth I swear with Cristina Lorenzi (journalist of The nation) defined as “a sincere book, which makes no concessions to anyone, least of all to the writer, an intimate diary made up of confessions, reflections and revelations, often explosive and very bitter. Without ever losing the taste for irony (and self-irony)”.

At 9pm Selvaggia Lucarelli presents The Pandora’s Box. Rise and fall of the Ferragnez and at 10pm the director closes Daily fact Marco Travaglio con Israel and the Palestinians in a nutshell.

Participation in the meetings is free and free. For further updates you can look here.

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