Has Nintendo Switch 2 been delayed until March 2025? In reality this is not the case for a journalist

Has Nintendo Switch 2 been delayed until March 2025? In reality this is not the case for a journalist
Has Nintendo Switch 2 been delayed until March 2025? In reality this is not the case for a journalist

Nintendo Switch 2 (unofficial name of the next big N console) has not been revealed and therefore does not have a exit date, at the moment. Over the months, however, its arrival has been talked about several times and some rumors have even suggested that the platform had been postponed.

It was said that it was initially scheduled for the end of 2024, but then the Kyoto house decided or had to postpone it to spring 2025. Now, however, opposing opinions are arriving.

The latest on the release of Nintendo Switch 2

As you can see via the tweets you see below, a journalist of RPGSite, Gamesradar and Nintendoins stated that – without obviously sharing the details so as not to endanger the source – it was revealed to him during the Summer Game Fest that “Switch 2 had always aimed for a release in March 2025”.

The journalist then asks himself where the rumors come from of the postponement and what Nintendo has planned for the end of 2024 (we will find out today at 4pm in the Nintendo Direct).

Furthermore, in a second tweet he responds to another user who states that “there was a guy who said he had worked with several publishers during previous publications and in his experience Nintendo has always awaited until the end to confirm exact launch plans.”

The journalist therefore assumes that it was the developers to assume that Nintendo Switch 2 would arrive this fall and that when it was confirmed that this was not the case, they assumed that it was a delay.

Obviously, talking back when a product hasn’t been announced isn’t exactly correct, but for simplicity’s sake let’s consider them as “internal references“.

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