What are WhatsApp viruses and how to delete them

What are WhatsApp viruses and how to delete them
What are WhatsApp viruses and how to delete them

What viruses affect WhatsApp and how to keep them at arm’s length: let’s discover the procedures to eliminate them.

What are WhatsApp viruses and how to eliminate them (pianetacellulare.it)

There are various viruses that can attack WhatsApp. Such malware spreads mainly through messages that include malicious links, often shared in private chats or groups. The Meta app, therefore, is one of the most subject to the action of cybercriminals who develop viruses using social engineering techniques. Let’s find out together which viruses attack the app and how to eradicate them permanently.

The types of viruses and malware that attack WhatsApp

There are many types of viruses and malware that can attack WhatsApp. Cybercriminals, in fact, invent one every day to defraud users of the popular app.

Among these, we can include the phishingwhich spreads through misleading messages, which exploit users’ fear. It often comes in the form of a link that needs to be opened urgently, which, in fact, invites you to download premium versions of WhatsApp or other.

Set up antivirus on WhatsApp (pianetacellulare.it)

Then there is it spyware, malware that secretly installs itself on phones and monitors conversations, copying data from other applications. It doesn’t end here: in fact, we also have theadwarewhich slow down the performance of the device by continuously displaying advertisements.

Not to be underestimated cryptominerwhich exploit vulnerabilities to generate cryptocurrencies to the detriment of users. Then there are the ransomwarewhich spread via links or apps, blocking devices and encrypting files.

How do you fall victim to a virus on the app

Viruses propagate – mainly – through links in messagesi, but they can also spread via audio files, cracked apps or downloadable documents. It is essential to protect your devices with a reliable antivirus that includes real-time scanning.

Among the most famous misleading messages, there are, for example, “Click here“, i.e. invitations to click on misleading links, but also “Download now”, which solicits you to download potentially dangerous apps or files; “Enter the code here”, which is based on requests related to the sharing of sensitive data, such as banking data.

How to protect yourself from viruses and malware

To defend yourself from these threats, we recommend installing an antivirus that has specific functions. Among the most important ones we include the on-access moduleto protect yourself in real time, scanning incoming files and links.

Then there is the on-demand module, which allows manual and/or automatic scans of devices. Furthermore, the function dedicated to users is important continuous updateswhich keep your antivirus updated against new threats.

To these characteristics, then, we can add the anti-ransomware moduleto protect yourself, precisely, from ransomware.

Furthermore, to these, we can also add the web formwhich blocks dangerous links before they can be opened in the browser and, finally, the anti-phishing systemwhich detects and blocks various phishing attempts that can be implemented in the instant messaging app.

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