“Private plane ready: from PSG to Juve”: deal absolutely done | Absolute starter in place of Alex Sandro

“Private plane ready: from PSG to Juve”: deal absolutely done | Absolute starter in place of Alex Sandro
“Private plane ready: from PSG to Juve”: deal absolutely done | Absolute starter in place of Alex Sandro

Incredible arrival from Paris for the Juventus left wing, as confirmed by the latest statements from the person concerned.

Juve is changing a lot in terms of the squad. There are many names ready to arrive in Turin in this transfer sessiongiving the team an important turning point.

At the same time, some players who are part of the current squad will pack their bags. One of these has already prepared them for some time. We are talking about Alex Sandrowho will be released after the contract expires on June 30th.

Recently though a PSG player has revealed the negotiations for his arrival at Juventusto replace the Brazilian footballer, led to the preparation of a private plane to reach the Piedmontese capital.

The words that reveal his arrival at Juve

In the past few hours Layvin Kurzawathe French left back for PSG, whose contract will expire in the next few days, spoke to the microphones of ‘Media Carré’. The footballer discussed various topics, but in particular he focused on his transfer to Juventus which fell through a few years ago due to the contract renewal offered to him by the Parisian club. Below are his words.

”I didn’t understand the reason for the renewal with PSG in 2020. I was at home and at that moment the possibility of a transfer to Juventus came up. The jet was ready for Turin and my old agent called me to tell me that the French club wanted to extend my contract for four seasons. I asked myself why, but obviously I couldn’t say no: how could I refuse a raise? At that time I had played a few games and that contract offered me and my children stability. I thought I could win my place back. Of course, if I had the chance to choose again I wouldn’t accept. I’m not saying I was a bullshit, but I should have thought about it more.”

Layvin Kurzawa in action with the French national team/ source LaPresse-ilovepalermocalcio.com

A deal that fell through at the last minute

The French full-back should have arrived as a reinforcement for the Old Lady, or for to be Alex Sandro’s reserve or even to replace the Brazilianwho at the time still had a market. However, the renewal offered to him by PSG made this opportunity vanish.

Now, years later, Kurzawa regrets having made this choice. Who knows how things would have gone if he had moved to Turin.

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