12 million on the table: negotiation at the end credits | Rome transfer market: the 2 clubs have reached an agreement

Roma’s new sporting director Florent Ghisolfi/ source Facebook- ilromanista.it

The deal for the purchase of the player was finalized at a rather low figure, but which satisfied the club that holds the contract.

The rumors regarding the market are starting to intensify significantly. Clubs in this period tend to engage in discussions regarding transfers with great vigorboth incoming and outgoing, of some players.

However, a deal that directly involves Roma rather than reaching its final stages, it was practically closedwith the player ready to pack his bags and move to the team to start working with his new teammates when the training camp resumes.

In detail, they have been put on the table for the person concerned 12 million euros, making the two parties reach an agreement to close the negotiation. Low figures therefore regarding this market coup, but apparently they were enough for the holders of his card to give the green light to his sale.

All done for the transfer of the player

According to some rumors in the last few hours, Jonathan Ikoné he is now close to leaving Fiorentina. In fact, the former Lille player never convinced the Viola club during these two years of his stay in Florence. Although Rocco Commisso’s club made an important effort from an economic point of view to bring him home, the offensive winger did not show off in a positive way, and consequently the lilies decided to put him on the market.

And precisely with regards to his farewell, in the last few hours something has moved in an important way. Apparently in fact the boy has received significant interest from Qatar, in particular from Al Duhail, a club that would be willing to put a figure between 10 and 12 million euros on the table. Fiorentina would have already given the green light to his departure.

Jonathan Ikone’/ source LaPresse-ilromanista.it

Nothing to do for Roma

The Giallorossi had followed the player very closely in the last January transfer window, but everything ended in nothing. Some even thought about a flashback this summer, but even in this case the deal stalled.

Ikoné will therefore not go to reinforce Daniele De Rossi’s offensive lanesand will most likely fly to Qatar.

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