Mian and Cengia: «In Belluno we find the ideal conditions»

In the name of ambition. And in the name of Richard: Ledge And Mian. From Thiene’s central defender to Palmanova’s spiker: the Belluno Volleyball officially presents two more pieces destined to enrich a high-profile chessboard for the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship.

UNIVERSAL – Cengia has no doubts: «Belluno is the best place to grow, on a sporting level, but also on a human level. I expect to achieve excellent results from a personal and team perspective.” The center back who grew up in Padua, and with a past in Bari, is almost 2 meters tall: «I believe I am a feisty and “universal” player, in the sense that I adapt to situations. My best fundamental? The wall. In the gym I’m hyper competitive; on the outside, anyone’s best friend.” The competition will be very high: «It’s better this way, it will help me improve. I will give my all in every training session to prove my worth to myself and to others.” Not just volleyball, Cengia is a mechanical engineering student: «And this is a tough period – he smiles -. Next week I have an exam, two more in July. Vacation? Just a few.”

COMPETITIVE BADNESS – For his part, Mian can’t wait to get started: «I like working in a certain way and at Belluno Volley I find the ideal conditions. I am a very calm person, I love simplicity. But I want to bring grit, determination and competitive determination to the pitch.” The former Motta and Reggio Emilia player has already amply demonstrated that he has non-trivial qualities in attack: «I try to take advantage of my arm, but I don’t neglect reception and defense. I know I will have to fight, also because the spikers in the squad are all good.” The (almost) twenty-six year old from Palmanova is an all-round athlete: «In the summer I swim, run and I love cycling, while I follow basketball and tennis, as well as motors». The objectives are clear: «The A2 is everyone’s objective. We will try to reach him.”

AVAILABLE FOR SACRIFICE – The sporting director, Alessandro Carniel, chose the two athletes without any hesitation: «For the central team, we needed a profile like that of Cengia. He is young, with important potential that has not yet been fully expressed. Regarding Mian, I know him well: we won the championship together four years ago. He is a “hitter”, we are happy to integrate him into a roster of this type. In general, the two Riccardos are available for sacrifice and work.” Finally, the thoughts of the two vice presidents, Stefano Da Rold and Andrea Gallina, are unanimous: «Both are guys with their heads on their shoulders, humble and eager to give their best. It’s nice that they want to continue growing in Belluno: this three-year period in A3 has served to give credibility to our project.”

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