Serie B, La Spezia will host the presentation of the 2024-25 season calendar

Serie B, La Spezia will host the presentation of the 2024-25 season calendar
Serie B, La Spezia will host the presentation of the 2024-25 season calendar

The Lega B meeting was held today between all the clubs that will take part in the next cadet championship, that of the 2024-25 season which is starting to take shape. The date of presentation of the year’s calendars was also decided in the same meeting, which will take place in Spezia on July 10th, in the setting of Piazza Europa.
Below is the full press release:

Lega B Assembly in video conference with all the companies present. At the beginning, the president Mauro Balata greeted the new members who entered the assembly premises today.

Balata then reported the results of the Federal Council of last 14 June, underlining how in that meeting the League’s opposition to the second teams in Serie B was confirmed and, in the same way, the reintroduction of the institution of timeshares, mechanisms which affect the regularity and integrity of the competition, as well as violating the federal statute in the part in which it refers to the right of agreement with the interested Leagues, which was not applied at the time of the decision. Finally, Balata reiterated that in all choices regarding the football system the guarantee offair competition.

The publication date of the BKT Series calendar 2024/2025with the event taking place in the late afternoon of Wednesday 10 July La Spezia in Piazza Europa in collaboration with Spezia calcio and the Municipality of the Ligurian city to whom the thanks of Lega B were addressed during the Assembly.

Audiovisual Chapter. The Assembly resolved the publication of the final offer to the market relating to the 2024-2027 audiovisual rights, structured “by product” and no longer “by platform”, with a non-derogable minimum value and without foreseeing an acceptance deadline. The subject of the offer includes a direct package reserved for domestic users and a second reserved for public establishments. The fees requested are modulated depending on the number of members. The values ​​indicated were quantified in consideration of the right balance between the trend of the TV market and the significant increase in audiences of the last seasons of League B matches (+1 million contacts compared to last year alone). Numbers, those of the audience, which are certified and recorded a cumulative AMR (average audience) of 23.57 million throughout the championship and 2.6 million for the ten post-season games (playoffs – playouts) , with even matches that surpassed some Serie A matches. Figures that precisely qualify the value of the Serie BKT product.

In this way, Lega B adopts a new strategy to protect the value of its product and respond to the expansion of international competitions which, without any rebalancing of the system, have and are decreasing broadcasters’ investments in domestic competitions of all categories and all European countries”.

This was followed by a note from the Ligurian club: “The Lega B Assembly, held via videoconference in the presence of all registered clubs, chose La Spezia as the venue for the draw for the 2024/2025 Serie BKT calendar, which will be held late afternoon of Wednesday 10 July in Piazza Europa.

The event, which sees the central collaboration of Spezia Calcio, will bring to the heart of the city of La Spezia, a few days before the 80th anniversary of the victory of the historic championship of ’44, the leaders of the twenty clubs registered for the next cadet championship, and will represent an important postcard for the entire territory overlooking the wonderful Gulf of Poets.

In this regard, Spezia Calcio wishes to thank the Municipality of La Spezia and in particular the mayor Pierluigi Peracchini for the enthusiasm, support and availability demonstrated right from the start, which were crucial in allowing the club to be able to bring the important summer event to heart of the city, and the Liguria Region, for their support and for once again being alongside society in valorising the splendid La Spezia area”.

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