Gropparello, today a community celebrating to remember Chicco Maggi with a smile

Gropparello, today a community celebrating to remember Chicco Maggi with a smile
Gropparello, today a community celebrating to remember Chicco Maggi with a smile

Gropparello celebrating from morning to night to remember with a smile Federico Maggi and promote the entire territory through aggregation and sport. Today will certainly be a long day for the volunteers of Promis Gruparel and the yellow-green POL. The two associations are in fact involved in the final act of Memorial Chicco Maggian event now in its second edition designed to remember a pillar of the local volunteer who passed away prematurely due to a serious illness.

The food stands at the Ettore Rosso sports field in Gropparello have been active since the morning of today, Sunday 16 June. The first initiative planned concerns the beach volleyball tournament organized in synergy with the nearby “La Castellana” swimming pool which will see 16 teams compete for victory until sunset. At lunch it will be possible to have lunch in the shade of the tensile structure and from the afternoon the sports field will be available to adults and children.

Beach volleyball, football and music

From 5.00 pm onwards to the open day organized by the Polisportiva Gropparello which will culminate with a nice football match between parents and children. The program is full of events and after the open day an Under 15 youth football match will be played. The final act of the Memorial will also be the opportunity to announce the new corporate structure of the Polisportiva which for a few days has Sandro as its new president Pezzani. Once the presentation is over, there is space for women’s football and the traditional match which sees Chicco Maggi’s lifelong friends take to the field.

donations for Lilt Piacenza and cancer research

The event was framed by smoking grills, music and the desire of an entire community to celebrate the figure of Maggi. At 10.00 pm the final of the Tournament of Municipalities will be played between the home team and the favorite Piacenza centro. The one who will surely win, however, will be solidarity: the auction of t-shirts in favor of will remain open throughout the day Lilt Piacenza for cancer research. “We will donate the proceeds from the registrations and the auction to Lilt – confirms the president of Promis Gruparel Marco Maggi -. We are very keen to offer our small contribution through an event dedicated to those who unfortunately left us too soon. It’s a way to keep him here with us and continue to talk about life.”

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