Red Bull, the simulator is the weak point: it doesn’t interpret the curbs correctly – News

Red Bull, the simulator is the weak point: it doesn’t interpret the curbs correctly – News
Red Bull, the simulator is the weak point: it doesn’t interpret the curbs correctly – News

The RB20 wins but…

Wanting to find a weak point in one Red Bull capable of winning 6 races out of 9 – and boasting a 56-point lead with Verstappen in the drivers’ standings and 49 in the constructors’ standings over his immediate rivals – is clearly an exercise in meticulousness.

But in recent weeks a certain performance fragility of the RB20 sui has emerged curbs, given by a non-optimal data match with the simulator. About that Helmut Marko did not hide the team’s imperfections: “It won’t be easy to win because our car and our simulator have some weaknesses and we are working hard to correct them. We won’t win every race, but it’s good for us that the others aren’t able to be consistent.”

In particular Marko talked about the weak points with the simulator: Does not simulate curbs correctly. We are talking about a technically advanced structure, but it has not been set up correctly or does not interpret the data correctly. The next three races will tell us how much the various cars will be worth. Last year Mercedes was strong in Barcelona and then no longer.” highlighted a oe24.

Verstappen and Mercedes

There was also a joke about the possible transfer to Mercedes of Max Verstappenperhaps thanks to the newfound competitiveness of the Silver Arrows in Canada: I just read that they confirmed Antonelli… But we are focused on winning the world championship and we have seen that if you are not completely focused, you quickly become incapable of winning.”concluded Marko.

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