Fans in disbelief: Hamilton-MotoGP, words that leave you speechless

Fans in disbelief: Hamilton-MotoGP, words that leave you speechless
Fans in disbelief: Hamilton-MotoGP, words that leave you speechless

The British champion, Lewis Hamilton, made an excursus on the world of two wheels, commenting enthusiastically on Ducati’s move

We understand each other among champions. Among champions who have decided to get involved by joining a prestigious team from which they intend to start winning again. How it was done, with ridiculous ease, once upon a time. As it is known, Lewis Hamilton he decided to treat himself to nothing less than the Ferrari for a career finale that, whatever happens, promises to be electrifying.

Lewis Hamilton could not avoid commenting on the news relating to Marquez –

In the world of two wheels, however, the man who won the drivers’ title 8 times demanded the best bike. Obtaining it also, or rather above all, thanks to a surprising season, his first on an unofficial Ducati, which certified his triumphant return to competitiveness. Marc Marquez, who shares with Sir Lewis the choice to join a team where he will obviously be asked to win, has joined the Factory Team of the Borgo Panigale manufacturer since 2025.

If anyone thinks that the British and the Spanish might fear the internal competition represented by Charles Leclerc and Pecco Bagnaia respectively, perhaps they still don’t know what the two are made of. The latest announcement, the one which certified Cabroncito’s arrival in Team Lenovo, was not surprisingly greeted with enthusiasm by the 7-time world champion on four wheels.

Hamilton applauds Marquez announcement: “I can’t wait”

Present in Montreal for the seasonal appointment on Canadian soil with the ninth round of the Formula 1 World Championship, Lewis could not avoid commenting on Marquez’s arrival on an official Ducati.

Marc Marquez in Ducati, Hamilton’s blessing arrives (LaPresse) –

Seeing Marquez on the Ducati will be an incredible thrill“, Hamilton’s first words. “The Ducati has always been a beautiful bike from a sporting point of view: it’s fantastic to have a new environment, new challenges and new people to work with. It’s amazing and exciting when you’re welcomed into a new space. I can’t wait to see Marc on that bike,” continued the Briton.

I love MotoGP and I’m really excited about the future of this sport.”, added Hamilton, commenting on the acquisition of the MotoGP brand by Liberty Media, already owner of the Formula 1 Circus. Finally the Englishman underlined how he thinks they will learn from what has happened with Liberty and Formula 1 in recent years, which is why he sees great growth.

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