a year ago Melendugno won Serie A2 for the first time

a year ago Melendugno won Serie A2 for the first time
a year ago Melendugno won Serie A2 for the first time

For a year now it is not just the day of September 16th that is remembered in Melendugno with great participation. Without wanting to take anything away from San Niceta, June 4th is now the date forever imprinted in the memory of the Salento city, specifically thanks to volleyball. Exactly twelve months ago, Narconon managed to conquer the A2 series of women’s volleyball for the first time in its history, a prestigious achievement which was even more embellished by the salvation obtained in the championship which ended a few weeks ago in the second national category.

June 4, 2023 is the day in which the Rossonere won game 3 of the promotion play-offs against Tenaglia Altino, enthusing the fans, as always numerous and above all noisy at the Palazzetto San Giuseppe da Copertino in Lecce. That 3-1 within friendly walls is already history and, reading carefully the lineup of the promotion’s heroines, it seems like a lifetime ago. During the 2024-2025 season, in fact, only two of those players will be part of the Melendugnese roster, namely captain Valeria Caracuta and Ilaria Maruotti. But modern volleyball is also this, the squads change almost completely from year to year, even if this doesn’t stop you from becoming fond of the favorites of the moment.

This is why, twelve months later, it is also worth remembering the other girls who contributed to the long-awaited promotion that day: Sara Stival, Giulia Favero, Ilaria Antignano, Asia Zingoni, Cecilia Oggioni, Anna Salimbeni, Francesca Troso, Delizia Marra, Ilaria Maiorano and Margherita De Pascalis. On the bench was Bruno Napolitano, a coach who will remain inextricably linked to the triumphal season regardless of how the relationship has evolved over the last year. On the occasion of the first anniversary of the promotion in A2, the “Amici della Volley Melendugno” group published an exciting video that recalls this historic moment.

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