MotoGP 2024 | MotoGP France 2024, the Le Mans report cards

MotoGP 2024 | MotoGP France 2024, the Le Mans report cards
MotoGP 2024 | MotoGP France 2024, the Le Mans report cards

The French Grand Prix was a spectacular race, with the first ”triello” among the three current MotoGP phenomena: Jorge Martin, Marc Marquez and Pecco Bagnaia, who finished in this order on the podium. Enea Bastianini was excellent, fourth with an error, and Di Giannantonio and Morbidelli also did well. Acosta, Bezzecchi and the other fallen pilots failed.

JORGE MARTIN – RATING 10 The perfect weekend ends, finishing in front of two real phenomena and with spectacular driving and a lot of intelligence. This weekend he was unbeatable, he enters a new dimension.

MARC MARQUEZ – RATING 10 22 positions recovered in two days, from 13th to 2nd in both the sprint and the race. Yesterday a masterpiece in the first lap, today in the last. What more does he need to do to certify that he has returned?

FRANCESCO BAGNAIA – RATING 9 Pecco bordered on perfection today, and if Marquez hadn’t been behind him, he would have also tried to attack Martin. But Marquez was there… That’s still fine.

ENEA BASTIANINI – RATING 8.5 Too bad that to stay in his saddle he would have to do more than impossible. Today just one small mistake, paid dearly, precludes him from fighting for victory. In the final laps he was the fastest.

MAVERICK VINALES – RATING 7.5 He keeps the pace of the leaders for long stretches, he is the strongest of the others and if he can do so well on a Ducati track (it’s a track he likes, it must be said), he can make us have a lot of fun.

FABIO DI GIANNANTONIO – RATING 7 Quietly, even without the peaks of the end of 2023, he is having a good championship, and today’s sixth place (despite the long lap penalty) confirms it. Well done Diggia.

FRANCO MORBIDELLI – RATING 7 Finally a good race from Franco, who is slowly starting to understand Ducati. He had already offered some flashes, but never on Sunday: keep going!

MARCO BEZZECCHI – RATING 4 The speed is there, the head – perhaps – is not yet. Bez could have been the protagonist both yesterday and today, but two falls due to his mistakes precluded him from getting an excellent haul of points.

PEDRO ACOSTA – RATING 4 If we are to treat him like the phenomenon that he is, we must use harsh marks when he makes mistakes. First mistake of the year, too optimistic and aggressive in the first laps. But the boy remains a phenomenon.

FABIO QUARTARARO – RATING 5 True, he crashed, but if you have an inferior bike you have to put in a lot more, and he does it with his heart. He was sixth when he crashed, which is a shame because it would have been an exceptional result.

Other people’s votes

BRAD BINDER – RATING 6.5 Only non-Ducati/Aprilia rider in the top ten. Straighten up a tough weekend a bit.


ALEIX ESPARGARO – RATING 6 Yesterday phenomenal, today he dropped to the distance, ninth place was just good enough.

ALEX MARQUEZ – RATING 5.5 Of all the Ducati riders, he appeared to be in the most difficulty here.

RAUL FERNANDEZ – RATING 6 Good race for him, even if very far from the top 10.

JOHANN ZARCO – RATING 7 Better than Honda even today, little to add.

AUGUSTO FERNANDEZ – RATING 5.5 Not an excellent performance, he finishes in the Honda/Yamaha group

TAKAAKI NAKAGAMI – RATING 6 Two points that raise morale, but a lot is still needed.

ALEX RINS – RATING 5.5 Ok, he has a Yamaha, but today Quartararo was from another planet.

LUCA MARINI – RATING 5 As you lap he is always last, he still has to find the feeling.

JACK MILLER – RATING 4 It ends badly a weekend that started very well.

MIGUEL OLIVEIRA – RATING 4 He was also bad, today falling on the same lap as Miller and Quartararo.

JOAN MIR – RATING 5 For him it is less serious, like that of Quartararo. She was doing well.

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