“Poor little star”. Chef Rubio’s shocking attack on Segre

Extreme short circuit on the left on anti-Semitism. The one who carries it forward is blonde chefwho in the last few hours has been waging a war on social media against the far left but, above all, against Liliana Segre. The former chef launched a shock attack against the senator for life after her words regarding the investigation carried out by Fanpage on Gioventù Nazionale, the youth branch of Fratelli d’Italia. “I believe that these drifts, let’s call them drifts, that have come out in this last week in such a striking way have always been there, hidden, not exhibited, but that in part they have always been there and that with this government they are taking advantage of this great power of the right, which after all was voted in and is not revolutionary, they are no longer ashamed of anything.“, declared the senator.

Words that, evidently, the former television chef did not like. “Poor little starwho thinks only of himself, who only protects the interests of zionism, who wants the gold medal of suffering. The only ones driven out of their land, Palestine occupied for 76 years by the Jewish settlers you support, are the native Palestinian Semites. Shame on you“, declared Rubio. Controversy over these words by Rubio from users, who do not consider the former chef’s attitude appropriate, is inevitable.”My brother, may I ask you why you go and insult a survivor? Auschwitz just because she’s Jewish? It won’t be your fault if Israel goes to bomb Palestine, right? Please, as a pro-Palestinian person, don’t be anti-Semitic“, wrote one user.

Anti-Semitism does not exist if not in the minds of the Zionists who use it as a shield to continue committing crimes. Ps you are fairly functionally illiterate if you read insults to us“, replied the chef, who rejects the existence of anti-Semitism. But not only that, because he himself launched his attack against the Collective Autonomous Port Workers, a far-left association that Rubio should ideally also refer to, but who does not recognize the role of the collective in supporting Palestine. “The Zionist Mafia What the hell do you think about denouncing is fascism. The Jewish settlement colony supported by the Jewish communities and by Liliana Segre is fascism.

To expel fascism from our lives, it is not enough to be in the square. We need daily struggle“, declared the chef. An even more extreme position than that of Calp, which however highlights a clear and discordant short circuit between left-wing ideologies.

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