Serena Bortone “out of Rai schedules: her program ‘Che Sara’ closed”. Maria Latella could arrive in her place

Serena Bortone “out of Rai schedules: her program ‘Che Sara’ closed”. Maria Latella could arrive in her place
Serena Bortone “out of Rai schedules: her program ‘Che Sara’ closed”. Maria Latella could arrive in her place

The news given by Repubblica and in the air for days even if not yet official tells of a “punishment” for a program unwelcome to the center-right and in particular to Fratelli d’Italia

THE Rai schedules will be illustrated to board of directors in the meetings of 26 and 28 Junepresented to the press at the Naples headquarters next July 19th. “What will be“, the program hosted by Serena Bortonebroadcast on Saturday and Sunday evenings on Rai3, will be deleted. The news had been in the air for days, the newspaper Republic had hypothesized a sort of “half-purge”, with the cancellation of only one evening, Sunday, but the hard line prevailed in Viale Mazzini.

The news is not yet official but confirmed by multiple sources, a “punishment” for a program unwelcome to the center-right and in particular to Brothers of Italythe reference party of the Director of Insights Paolo Corsini. Bortone had been overwhelmed bynow known Scurat casei, the journalist with a post on social media had denounced the cancellation “without plausible explanations” of the contract of the writer who was supposed to read a monologue on April 25th in his talk.

Bortone, subjected to disciplinary proceedings, had received public criticism from the CEO in recent days Roberto Sergio: “Serena Bortone should have been fired for what she did. On the 11th of this month you will represent your theses and we will evaluate, but certainly no employee of any company would be allowed to say things against the company in which you work. She did this and she was not punished”. Sergio, who in the next few weeks he will hand over the chair to the current general director Giampaolo Rossihe commented to Sheet rumors about a possible halving of the broadcast: “The schedules will be presented to top management on Friday next week. To date, none of us are aware of what genre directors will bring us. So it’s news that doesn’t exist at the moment“.

According to the site the journalist could land on Saturday’s access prime time on Rai3 Maria Latellafresh from the interview with Prime Minister Meloni at the Trento Economics Festival. Latella is a name external to the company, he collaborates with Sky where he hosts “Dinner at Maria Latella’s“. For Sunday evening, however, we are thinking of a new extension for “Reports“, whose departure could be postponed to the end of October.

What will be” which started in September at around 3% share, with the passing of the weeks, by virtue of a greater centrality, it has seen its audience grow touching 5-6%. A title that had to deal with very strong competition: from “What’s the weather like” to “In other words” until the boom of “Your business“. The news sparked numerous social reactions for a case destined to cause discussion, Bortone, who had already been removed from Rai afternoon where she had obtained good ratings, as a Rai employee will have to be relocated to a new role.

“I have been honored to work with you in this great public service company of ours. I thank you at home, viewers, who have followed and supported us and who have grown episode after episode. Thank you for your love and support. I wish you a good summer and above all, from the bottom of my heart, good winds”, he said at the time of the final farewells last Sunday.

Oppositions arise and ask for the immediate summoning of the Supervisory Authority: “We are in the process of purging, Bortone out of Rai. And to think that the prime minister and all her fans continue to maintain that TeleMeloni does not exist”, attacks the leader of the Greens Angelo Bonelli. “The head of Insights Paolo Corsini will have to explain to Supervision. Not even Berlusconi had dared so much.” The comment from the Democratic Party senator is harsh Antonio Nicitto: “For having defended editorial freedom and posed a censorship issue to the writer Scurati, “Chesarà…” will be removed from Rai schedules. An alarming decision, the limit has been crossed.” The former prime minister Enrico Letta publishes the image of the presenter on X: “I’m with Serena Bortone”.

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