“Forced to go to the bathroom with the door open”: the story of the journalist Nittoli taken to the police station together with two colleagues

“Forced to go to the bathroom with the door open”: the story of the journalist Nittoli taken to the police station together with two colleagues
“Forced to go to the bathroom with the door open”: the story of the journalist Nittoli taken to the police station together with two colleagues

“We were going to follow the protest of the activists of Last generation. We were on Via xx Settembre, in Rome, and after turning the corner we were stopped by officers, some in uniform, others in plain clothes. About ten people.” Thus begins the story of Angela Nittolithe collaborator of Fatto Quotidiano, who together with two other colleagues, the photographer of Corriere della Sera Massimo Barsoum and the freelance videomaker Roberto Di Matteo, she was stopped, identified, taken to the police station and searched. The journalist recounted what happened during the streaming meeting of the editorial team Fattoquotidiano.it (broadcast every Thursday on the Fattoquotidiano website and social networks). “They made us get into a police car – he continues – they made us put our backpacks in the trunk because we couldn’t use our cell phones even along the way”. Once we arrived at the Castropretorio police station, the journalist was searched. “Then I joined my colleagues who were in one security cell two by three metres. The door always remained open, but always guarded. So much so that I asked several times to go to the bathroom. At a certain point I was allowed, I was accompanied by a policewoman and they told me to do not close the door. The whole thing lasted about 2 hours. At the end they gave us back our identity cards and showed us a report which we decided not to sign because in our opinion it was incomplete”

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