False will of Silvio Berlusconi, arrested in Colombia Marco di Nunzio: the investigation into the promise of 26 million, yachts and villas

False will of Silvio Berlusconi, arrested in Colombia Marco di Nunzio: the investigation into the promise of 26 million, yachts and villas
False will of Silvio Berlusconi, arrested in Colombia Marco di Nunzio: the investigation into the promise of 26 million, yachts and villas

Marco di Nunzio was arrested in Colombia for the case of Silvio Berlusconi’s elusive Colombian will. The Turin entrepreneur passed himself off, in fact, as the Knight’s heir and beneficiary of some of his assets. Meanwhile, the Milan prosecutor Marcello Viola and the prosecutor Roberta Amadeo have closed the investigations in view of the request for trial for di Nunzio on charges of forgery of a will and attempted extortion against Berlusconi’s children. The investigation revealed how the 55-year-old would have made three different forgeries, signed on 21 September 2021 in the office of the “Notaia Primera of Cartagena – Bolivar”, with which the bequest of “liquidity, company shares, boats and real estate”, i.e. 26 million, a yacht, villas in Antigua and 2% of Fininvest.

The story

Di Nunzio, who over the years has sent numerous warnings to the heirs of the founder of Forza Italia, also attempted to deposit the first two wills at the notarial archives of the Lombard capital. Subsequently, he writes theHandle, would have formed the third will in which, compared to the two, his signature and the words “universal heir” were removed. This last document was deposited by the 55-year-old himself, in the summer of 2023, with a notary in Naples. Berlusconi’s five children reported him to the lawyer Perroni and to promote an appeal for judicial seizure of assets, which was not accepted by the Court of Milan.

The threats, the witnesses, the international letter rogatory

During an episode of the TV program Reports, in October last year, Di Nuncio also threatened to release the documentation on Berlusconi and to bring a lawsuit to obtain his inheritance, unless the heirs “proceeded to give him a sum in settlement”. For these statements, the investigators also accused him of “attempted extortion”. To shed light on the matter, in the investigations – conducted by the Economic and Financial Police Unit of the Guardia di Finanza, there were: seizures at the notary, but also the listening of texts – including Marta Fascina – to reconstruct where Berlusconi was on day of signing the “Colombian” will.

Furthermore, an international letter rogatory was carried out to acquire the declarations of the Colombian notary and of the attester of the translations of the wills and the acquisition of a copy of the documents of the civil case. According to cross-research, it emerged that the Cav., in those days at the end of September, was not in Colombia but in Arcore. According to the prosecutors, the Turin businessman would have attempted to “coerce” the “autonomy of the Knight’s children over their father’s inheritance and, if anything, also have a sum to silence his claims”.

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