because it is thanks to the government on house arrest for Ilaria Salis – Il Tempo

because it is thanks to the government on house arrest for Ilaria Salis – Il Tempo
because it is thanks to the government on house arrest for Ilaria Salis – Il Tempo

Gabriel Imperiale

May 17, 2024

Ilaria Salis, the teacher from Monza detained in Hungary since February last year, will be released from prison and will be placed under house arrest in Budapest. After 15 months, the 39-year-old will therefore see a way out of the prison where she was imprisoned on charges of attacking far-right militants. But who is responsible for the success of this result? While the woman’s defense claims every merit, Alessandro Sallusti has a totally opposite opinion. The director of Il Giornale in fact clarified his point of view on the pages of the newspaper he runs and spoke about it on Prima di Tomorrow on Rete 4. Guest of Bianca Berlinguer, he is invited by the presenter to explain his thoughts on the Salis case . “Today in your newspaper you had the headline: ‘The Meloni government releases Salis from prison’. But where did you find out that it was the Meloni government that released Salis from prison?” asks Berlinguer.

Sallusti is peremptory and explains the reasons why the merit of the house arrests for the release should be attributed to Palazzo Chigi and the executive. He does so by citing three fundamental players in the affair: “I found it by being aware of and they are not secret acts – explains the director – of all the diplomatic work that the Foreign Ministry led by Tajani has carried out in an official manner”. But not only that, because the work of the Ministry of Justice led by Carlo Nordio would also have been fundamental in the affair. And finally, explains Sallusti, “I imagine but I don’t think I’m going far from reality, a moral suasion – literally ‘moral persuasion’, practically a work of mediation – by Giorgia Meloni who has a very fluid relationship with President Orban”.

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