deals with the clans, then the social face of the Dal Presidente pizzeria

According to the repentants, “Massimiliano ‘a Capretta”, arrested in the investigation against the Continis of the Secondigliano Alliance, was also close to various Mazzarella clans in the past.

Massimiliano Di Caprio (from Facebook)

Officially he was the owner and social face of the pizzeria “Dal Presidente”, taken over more than ten years ago by Enzo Cacialli, one of Ernesto’s heirs, or “the President’s pizza chef”. But Massimiliano Di Caprio, arrested today as part of the investigation into the money laundering of the Contini clan, was an old acquaintance of the police: he has criminal and police prejudices for theft, robbery, personal injury, escape, detention and drug dealing , illegal betting and was the recipient of a prevention measure as he was considered a habitual criminal.

The investigators have reconstructed his “criminal career” on the basis of the declarations of various repentants: the one who emerges could be defined as a transversal figure of the city’s underworld, capable of doing business with the groups linked to the Mazzarella clan but also with those of the opposite, that of the Secondigliano Alliance.

Social face of the Dal Presidente pizzeria

In recent years, since he took over “the President’s pizza chef”, Di Caprio had also become the social face of the business. On Facebook, but above all on Instagram, he continually published photos of the pizzeria, singing its praises and claiming the records which, on balance, belonged to the previous management.

Pizzeria Dal Presidente seized in Naples, Camorra and money laundering: the shadow of the Contini clan

There was also no shortage of photos with famous people: over the years the entrepreneur has been immortalized with many, including actors, singers, personalities from the world of entertainment and even politicians who stopped in his place.

Luxury on social media but declared zero income

The Financial Police, investigating Di Caprio’s financial situation, found that in the period between 2000 and 2020 the man declared a total income of just over 30 thousand euros. Which reaches 60 thousand if combined with those of his family unit: essentially, four of them would have lived on around 3 thousand euros a year on average.

A situation which, euphemistically, could be defined as not very credible, also due to the elements that investigators have collected on social media, where luxury was flaunted: between expensive cars and luxury watches, which Di Caprio often showed on Instagram, there was also the all-gold Rolex that had his son’s name on the case“DiCaprio Hayglander”.


The affairs with the Secondigliano Alliance and the Mazzarella

The 5 arrest order carried out today also lists the testimonies of the repentants who, over the years, have spoken of Di Caprio, sometimes called “Massimiliano ‘a capretta”, and of his involvement in criminal affairs despite never appearing to be affiliated with a clan . In particular, between 2013 and 2014 he had been indicated by two collaborators, one linked to the Giuliano clan and the other to the Mazzarella family, as a reference in the management of video poker and illegal slot machines and in clandestine betting on behalf of the Giuliano clan.

Other collaborators, the order continues, accused Di Caprio of having also managed drug dealing squares, comparing him to various clans including the Torino, the Abbinante and the Mazza. Statements in this sense were made by members of various clans: the Misso della Sanità, the Giuliano, the Mariano and the Abbinante. Finally, regarding the hidden management of the “Dal Presidente” pizzeria, formally registered in the wife’s name, the investigators made use of the statements of collaborators Gennaro De Tommaso, alias Genny ‘a Carogna, and Salvatore Giuliano.

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