Naxen Descending into a Deeper Darkness review

Naxen Descending into a Deeper Darkness review
Naxen Descending into a Deeper Darkness review

Second career album for i Naxen: “Descending into a Deeper Darkness”. An atypical concept, his, made up of different elements for each of the four songs, which however intersect with each other in the recovery of the themes which, therefore, are the same ones that are expressed in different ways.

For the Naxen the hope of living is lost, terror encapsulates existence, life is the trauma of birth, with the platter diving headlong into these concepts where darkness triumphs thanks to the inevitability of sadness and pain.

This introduction, perhaps tedious, is on the contrary fundamental to outline the boundaries of the style of the Teutonic combo. Borders in which the terrible melancholy of the depressive black metal. Deep emotions that let go of tears due to the awareness of a sick world, in which violence, wars and diseases reign. Without any hope of resurrection from a generalized pain, which acts as a driving force for the pain of living.

Contrary to most acts who create their art in this particular subgenre, i Naxen they hit hard like hell. Their black is hard, aggressive for others and for themselves… who knows. Furthermore, it is powerful, devastating due to a powerful carpet of blast-beats, rich in atmospheric elements to heighten the sense of oppression, sadness and melancholy.

The fusion between orthodox and depressive black is flawless, the music flows powerfully, fluidly, without hitches or fillers; swinging between the devastating fury and the sobs of the pain of existence. Perfect oxymoron bro fast And depressive black metal, for an excellent result as per the encyclopedic entry. Also because the melody is not missing. Sure, dark, dark, gloomy but still melody. Never in the foreground but almost in the background to give the songs that extra something that makes them pleasant to listen to.

It is also worth pointing out that i Naxen are a real training. Why? Because the sound obtained is earth-shaking, alive, despite its very strong tendency towards tragedy. A circumstance that is felt most for the battery, taken care of by FH, which expresses all its vigor thanks to human and non-electronic arms. Capable of breaking through the blast-beats barrier without losing power. Furthermore, the presence of musicians who own their own instrument obviously gives more to those who bravely try their hand at everything.

The songs are long, no less than nine minutes, allowing them to express all the ideas that are in their heads. It should be noted that ‘A Shadow in the Fire – Part III (A Life Led by Loss)’ it is the third chapter of a trilogy that began four years ago with the debut album “Towards the Tomb of Times”, almost as if they wanted to keep the umbilical cord that binds the Germanic trio to their creatures intact.

Despite the aforementioned length of the tracks, which must be listened to numerous times with concentration to understand the enigmas, it is difficult for boredom to emerge. There is so much music in the opera, which makes it remarkably long-lived. Which is a particular sign of great importance. Music as said constantly devastating, annihilating, yet full of objects to discover from time to time and, above all, kissed by so dark and obscure harmonies, sometimes hidden, yet very pleasant to make one’s own (‘Our Souls Shall Fall Forever’, ‘A Shadow in the Fire – Part III (A Life Led by Loss)’).

“Descending into a Deeper Darkness” it’s a good black metal LP in the broadest sense, to be blasted out of the speakers to capture all its secrets. As for the Naxen it is necessary to highlight their excellent instrumental technique, their compositional talent and, last but not least, their professionalism.

Daniele “dani66” D’Adamo

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