Fedez, the family is expanding: the photo goes viral, new life for the rapper

Fedez, the family is expanding: the photo goes viral, new life for the rapper
Fedez, the family is expanding: the photo goes viral, new life for the rapper

Fedez has decided to expand his family and, without hiding his new life anymore, he posted an unmistakable photo.

That he and Chiara Ferragni had really taken two different paths was now certain but no one imagined that the singer was already ready for the big step. Perhaps the time is ripe and the desire is probably there to look ahead.

Fedez expands his family (arabonormannaunesco.it)

After the shots that they portray him in the company of his new flame, the rapper chose to publish a first-person photo of his new life and also to give a big announcement to the fans who were now anxiously waiting. However, the issue has sparked quite a bit of controversy.

Fedez expands his family: the photo is viral

Fedez’s shot could not help but also create a certain state of indignation and there are mainly two reasons, as can be read from the various comments circulating on the web. Obviously giving information of a certain type and having a life in the spotlight certainly exposes you to this condition, and it is therefore something predictable.

Fedez’s new life (arabonormannaunesco.it) IG photo @Fedez and @investigatoresocialoffical_

However, perhaps not even the singer had foreseen all this fuss. The photo of his new dog, practically identical to Paloma, she went viral on the web. Many spoke in favor, knowing how attached he was to the animal, others but they are clearly against it because, according to what they write, it is more of a Ferragni-style fallback than anything else. Furthermore, the dog’s name itself would be dismaying.

It would be about a clear reference to Silvio Berlusconi and this thing did not go down well with many users. Not only those who shared ideas with the politician but also because they did not particularly like the choice and the clear reference to a person who no longer exists.

A simple choice therefore raised a fuss, everyone has largely taken sides on the web and therefore the happy news from Fedez who he chose to expand his family and to create a new life for him, with what means so much in his daily life, has taken a back seat.

Yet those who followed the events on the web had the opportunity to see over time the Federico’s deep bond first with Chiara Ferragni’s dogto whom a verse of the famous song was also dedicated e then to Paloma, the puppy who arrived at home after the disappearance of the entrepreneur’s trusted four-legged friend. A delicate moment, of turning points and changes which obviously could only make everyone critical.

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