The Marvel Studios crisis? For the Russo brothers it depends on generational differences in media consumption | Cinema

The Marvel Studios crisis? For the Russo brothers it depends on generational differences in media consumption | Cinema
The Marvel Studios crisis? For the Russo brothers it depends on generational differences in media consumption | Cinema

For some time now, in reference to the cinecomic genre, especially if Marvel Studioswe hear about the so-called “superhero movie fatigue” which, in recent years, has brought about so many projects Kevin Feige and co as well as others perhaps DC Comics Warner that flopped heavily at the box office.

This is a context that is quite striking, especially after ten years of undisputed domination by the Marvel Studios at the box office so much so that, in the top ten positions of the highest grossing films of all time (with data not updated to inflation), as many as 4 out of ten are occupied by productions of the film division of the House of Ideas (as you can see on Box Office Mojo).

The Russo brothers, who directed some of the most acclaimed and profitable feature films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War and, above all, the two Avengers, Infinity War and Endgame) have returned to talk about the “superhero movie fatigue” in an interview with Games Radar explaining that, from their point of view, the reasons for this crisis are more attributable to generational issues.

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Asked about the difficult phase that i Marvel Studios are facing, the Russo brothers thus explained their idea regarding the crisis.

Joe Russo says:

I think it’s simply a reflection of the current state of affairs. It’s difficult at the moment, and it’s an interesting time in some ways. I think we’re in a transition phase and people still don’t know exactly which way “they will receive” the stories in the times to come, or what kind of stories they would like to see. There is a large generational divide in how media is consumed. There is a generation that is used to scheduled viewing, that is used to going to the cinema on a certain date to see something, but this generation is getting older. Meanwhile, the new generation says “I want it now and I want to process it immediately” and then immediately move on to another thing that they process by doing two other things at the same time. It is a very different moment from others we have experienced in the past. And so I think everyone, including Marvel Studios, is facing the same challenge, which is how to approach this transition. I think it most likely has to do with that more than anything else.

According to Joe Russo, the new generations are used to:

Communicating with memes, with headlines that no one reads beyond the first two sentences, so everything is 100 characters or less – or 10-second videos on social media that you scroll through compulsively. I think the two-hour story format, the structure that applies to filmmaking, is now more than a century old and everything is always evolving. Something new is happening and that way of telling has now become repetitive. But it’s hard to reinvent, and I think this new generation is looking for ways to tell their stories that satisfy this sort of collective attention deficit disorder.

Anthony Russo adds:

The issue of superhero movie fatigue has been around for a while, before our work with Marvel Studios. It’s a sort of eternal complaint, as we’ve always said since the days when we were taking our first steps into this world. People complained about Westerns the same way, but they lasted for decades and decades. They were continually reinvented and taken to new heights as the years went by.

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SOURCE: GamesRadar

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