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«He didn’t pay them» PHOTO

«He didn’t pay them» PHOTO
«He didn’t pay them» PHOTO

Aboubakar Soumahoro without peace. After the case of the co-ops and the accusations against the mother-in-law Marie Therese Mukamitsindo that got the deputy in trouble, a hot photo shoot of his own wife Liliane Murekateteprior to their meeting, which brings her back into the spotlight of critics.

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The photo album dates back to 2012. Liliane Murekatete was 35 years old and frequented Palazzo Chigi, when the Prime Minister was Silvio Berlusconi. The author of the shots is the photographer Elio Carchidi. Until now buried among the dozens of photo books published on her online site, they have returned to interest with the outbreak of the Soumahoro case. The woman, who has been renamed “Lady Gucci” for her passion for designer clothes and accessories, was immortalized naked and the photos went viral in a few hours, so much so that the photographer was forced to seal the book, entitled ” The Glamor Photographs of Liliane Murekatete”, with a password.

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What the photographer said

“How much did he pay? In this case nothing – Carchidi tells Mowmag – because agreements are reached between the model and the photographer and she hopes to be able to then sell these photos to newspapers and magazines. At the time this was not the case and they remained unsold. However, the lady portrayed didn’t pay them, she instead took care of the setting of her look, while I only took pictures ». The photographer admits that he had hoped to be able to sell his shots to some glamor magazine: “But unfortunately, since you are not a well-known person, they remained unsold”. At the end of the photographic set, Soumahoro’s future partner showed herself happy: «Yes, she was very satisfied with the images». Did you ever ask her to remove them from the site? “No, otherwise I would have done it.” Then one last uncomfortable question: «Do you use them for sexy ads? I would rule it out.”

Last Updated: Tuesday 6 December 2022, 12:27


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