«A boost to energy communities. Orio is strategic, but be careful about the impact»

«A boost to energy communities. Orio is strategic, but be careful about the impact»
«A boost to energy communities. Orio is strategic, but be careful about the impact»

«From mosquitoes to the airport». Oriana Ruzzini simplifies with a touch of irony the «extremes» of her department, which ranges from the «high» challenges of the Ecological Transition and the environment to the daily challenges of greenery. The provincial co-spokesperson of «Europa Verde» is among the new entries of the Carnevali Council, but she has the «gym» of the City Council behind her. In the Gori bis (passed from the PD to APF) she was several times the «critical voice» of the majority. A hair’s breadth from the election in the Region in 2023, this time she was the most voted of the outgoing councilors with the «Futura» list (born from Avs and «Oltre»), which also brings to the chamber the youngest elected (Laura Brevi, who took Ruzzini’s place).

“I wouldn’t call myself radical. However, I care to make my vision understood, I understand that of the other, but then I do everything I can to ensure that the common good is at the center of administrative action. It can be uncomfortable or it can be scary, but I believe that in the debate it is more useful to have a person who says what he thinks rather than the political jargon or the diplomat who is necessarily elusive.”

“It was not a given, but Mayor Elena Carnevali has placed as the basis of the coalition program the agenda of which I was the first signatory in the City Council, shared by the outgoing mayor and majority. There was no clash on the issue: it is a necessary infrastructure for the city but its impact must be taken into account for the protection of the quality of life and health of citizens, which must not be sacrificed for the interests of the airport”.

“The agenda focuses on the ongoing epidemiological investigation, on night flights, to be minimized until they are eliminated. During the election campaign we then added the objective of a control unit in Colognola to monitor noise and environmental pollution. The Region should also do its part, applying the noise tax, while waiting for the aircraft to be replaced with the latest generation ones”.

Learn more about the topic in the digital copy of L’Eco di Bergamo of July 2nd

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