Four altars in Torre del Greco: a children’s book for the rediscovered celebration

Four altars in Torre del Greco: a children’s book for the rediscovered celebration
Four altars in Torre del Greco: a children’s book for the rediscovered celebration

Greek’s tower. A children’s book on the Feast of the Four Altars, the event that returns to Torre del Greco from 19 to 21 July after sixteen years of absence. It was created by Giovanna Romano, a teacher for thirty years, on a temporary contract until last June, when she obtained the long-awaited appointment to the role. And to celebrate this moment, Giovanna Romano wanted to give a special gift to the little ones, those who have always filled her life as a teacher and mother (she has five children).

This is how “San Vincenzo Romano ei quattro altari” (Mondo Incantato Baby Pavoni column by Pav Edizioni) was born, a story in which the city of Torre del Greco is the protagonist: “A book that was not planned – admits the author, who presented the volume at the Circolo Nautico – born after thinking about my children and the initiatives that in the last weeks of school we supported to talk to them, through direct action, about the feast of the four altars, which I care a lot about and for whose revival I have always personally worked. So much so that I have come to believe that it is no coincidence that my placement in the role came precisely in the year in which the municipal administration and the mayor Luigi Mennella decided to propose it again”.

Accompanying the story are thirteen illustrations by Juri Accardo, a young art designer who also loves to try his hand at drawing: “It was a pleasure to work with Giovanna Romano – he states – She has an exceptional energy, which she was able to pass on to me immediately. I hope to be able to repeat a similar experience in the future.”

Present at the launch of the book, already available online and soon in the main bookstores, for the municipal administration the deputy mayor Michele Polese: “It is a pleasure to know that there is someone who wanted to present to the very young generations, who have never seen the feast of the four altars, an event so important for our city, for whose relaunch the mayor and all of us have lavished a lot of energy”.

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