Autonomy, Zaia writes to Meloni to open a discussion on nine subjects

Autonomy, Zaia writes to Meloni to open a discussion on nine subjects
Autonomy, Zaia writes to Meloni to open a discussion on nine subjects

VENICE (ITALPRESS) – The President of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, signed at Palazzo Balbi in the presence of the Council, the letter addressed to the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, in which he requests the reopening of the discussion table for the implementation of differentiated autonomy, as provided for by the Constitution. A letter drafted in light of the publication in the Official Journal of the law on autonomy, which will be effective from 13 July. “This signature allows us to start negotiating again on the nine matters for which the definition of the Lep is not foreseen – the governor underlined – alongside those foreseen in the preliminary agreement signed in 2018. We are the first to do so: the Veneto is ready. I firmly believe in the devolution of competences: it is in the corporate purpose of a governor to aspire to more areas of activity to give better answers to citizens.

I would add: as Veneto we are willing to immediately twin with a Southern Region that intends to test this reform together. I read statements in which it seems that for some it is almost preferable to have an equal distribution of the malaise; with autonomy we have the opportunity to achieve an equal distribution of well-being. We will ensure that inequalities are eliminated thanks to that assumption of responsibility which, as President Napolitano said, is the very meaning of autonomy”. “We are aware and convinced of the gradual nature that the path requires and of the careful evaluation that must be made for the attribution of each individual subject and of the respective functions – added Zaia -. If we have always faced 23 dossiers, each for a subject, it is because it has allowed us to be able to deal with the topic in depth with full knowledge of the facts and present a complete proposal for differentiated autonomy that is efficient, responsible and close to citizens. We are equally convinced, in fact, that these are the answers we must give. For example, in the Civil Protection measures, which is one of the matters that can be addressed immediately. Among the functions, one could ask for the possibility for the President of the Region to make derogation ordinances and some measures that today we must wait for at the national level. Let’s also think about the issue of environmental authorizations: citizens and businesses often wait months for a bureaucratic-administrative process that is frankly too long. It is the principle of delegating functions, a bit like what already happens for the issuing of passports, a competence that is already partly delegated to the post offices. This is how I imagine autonomy for Veneto: a tool that will improve the lives of citizens and stimulate the growth of the territories”. The letter was signed by President Zaia with the pen that was used to call the consultative referendum in 2017. “A gesture that also brought good back then. As then, today we look to the future”, concluded Zaia. – Photo: Veneto Region Press Office – (ITALPRESS). col4/com 01-Lug-24 15:32 .

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