“Mission Italy”, CONAI participates on 4 and 5 July in Rome

“Mission Italy”, CONAI participates on 4 and 5 July in Rome
“Mission Italy”, CONAI participates on 4 and 5 July in Rome

CONAI will participate in “Missione Italia”, the annual ANCI event dedicated to the PNRR of Municipalities and Cities, scheduled for July 4 and 5 in Rome.

The third edition of Missione Italia will focus on the technical and procedural aspects of the PNRR, offering concrete support to Municipalities through dialogue with managers and officials of Ministries, local administrators and economic operators. During the event, the state of implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan will be taken stock, with a series of thematic focuses on urban regeneration, social cohesion, energy transition, digitalisation, culture, sustainable development, education, health and sport.

CONAI will be present on Thursday 4th July at 4.15pm at the following meeting:

“Sustainable development: the projects of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security”

Planned interventions include:

  • Alessandro Ghinelli, Mayor of Arezzo: The projects of the Municipality of Arezzo
  • Fiorenza Pascazio, Mayor of Bitetto: The projects of the Municipality of Bitetto
  • Antonio Di Bari, Head of Local Public Services and Associated Companies, Procurement, Infrastructure and Waste ANCI: The ANCI’s point
  • Matteo Campora, Councilor for Ecological Transition, Transport, Integrated Mobility, Environment, Waste, Energy and Smart City, Municipality of Genoa: The projects of the Municipality of Genoa for the development of the collection in the name of innovation
  • Stefano Carta, Director of Department VII – Implementation of the PNRR, European Funds, Support to Municipalities for Economic/Social Development, Professional Training, Metropolitan City of Rome Capital: The projects of the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital for urban forestation
  • Giorgio Centurelli, General Director of Financial Management, Monitoring, Reporting and Control, Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security: The projects of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security. The implementation status
  • Fabio Costarella, Deputy Director CONAI: Special Project 7 Metropolitan Cities
  • Laura D’Aprile, Head of Department for Ecological Transition and Green Investments, Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security: Strategies for the circular economy
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