Foggia and Andria hottest cities: prevention for markets

Foggia and Andria hottest cities: prevention for markets
Foggia and Andria hottest cities: prevention for markets

The news coming from the operations centers and accredited sources causes concern: Foggia and Andria are currently the hottest cities, with temperatures reaching 40 degrees. This emergency meteorological situation has prompted a prompt reaction from the trade association CasAmbulanti, particularly concerned about the weekly market on Monday 1st July in Andria. In addition to the ten commandments to prevent damage caused by excessive heat, prepared and widely disseminated by CasAmbulanti, President Savino Montaruli has made an appeal to the Prefect and the Police Chief of the Province of Barletta Andria Trani, declaring:

“Just as we are acting preventively for the afternoon markets of the first week of July in Bari, we are equally concerned about the weekly market on Monday 1st July in Andria. The market area, located around the municipal villa, it is extremely exposed to the sun, causing great concern especially for the frail and elderly users who make up the majority of consumers and visitors. Also for this very delicate situation, we ask that the Anti-Heat Emergency Plan be fully implemented, including the distribution of bottles of fresh water and the presence of a doctor on board the ambulances to monitor the vast market area. I invite operators to leave the market area before the hottest hours of the morningsacrificing part of the sales hours to protect health,” underlined Montaruli, reiterating the importance of local institutions assuming responsibility. reports it

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