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Anti-tiger mosquito plan: traps in nests and nurseries in Trento – Trento

Anti-tiger mosquito plan: traps in nests and nurseries in Trento – Trento
Anti-tiger mosquito plan: traps in nests and nurseries in Trento – Trento

TRENTO. In order to try to limit the spread of the tiger mosquito in Trento, since last May the Municipality has been intervening with larvicide treatments in the manholes, the distribution of anti-larval kits in the districts and the positioning of “Bg-gat” traps in all public nurseries and kindergartens in the area.

The interventions, presented today (1 July) at a press conference, are part of the tiger mosquito control plan of the Province of Trento, in collaboration with the Science Museum (Muse) and the provincial health services company.

From May to September it is expected treatments with microbiological larvicideaimed at blocking the development of larvae, in manholes and street drains (the use of insecticide is not foreseen, considered an extraordinary tool for protection against health risks).

During the summer there were a total of seven outings in the area. Furthermore, at the URP and in the offices of eleven districts (Gardolo, Meano, Ravina Romagnano, Argentario, Povo, Mattarello, Villazzano, Oltrefersina, San Giuseppe Santa Chiara, Sardagna and Bondone) some Anti-larval kits for citizens (free distribution while stocks last), while the “Bg-gat” traps in 46 schools and nursery schools.

An information campaign is also planned, through the distribution of specific brochures, in application of the mayor’s order in which a series of precautions are prescribed in order to avoid outbreaks due to water stagnation. Monitoring in the parks entrusted to the Muse continues instead.

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