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Piacenza passes the Tour de France test, the prefect: “Praiseworthy organization”

Piacenza passes the Tour de France test, the prefect: “Praiseworthy organization”
Piacenza passes the Tour de France test, the prefect: “Praiseworthy organization”

Thousands of fans, the passage of the caravan and the departure of the third stage of the Tour de France. The city of Piacenza will long remember a unique event of its kind, which succeeded also thanks to the excellent performance of the organizational machinery set up by institutions, bodies, law enforcement agencies and associations.

Prefect Ponta: “The coordination between all the forces is commendable”

“Piacenza responded with its usual effectiveness and efficiency – commented the prefect Paolo Ponta. – The coordination between all law enforcement agencies and health workers was commendable.” Prefect who has always been a great cycling enthusiast: “I am originally from Novi Ligure, the city of Costante Girardengo and the residence of Fausto Coppi for many years. Novi and cycling are an inseparable combination so it’s impossible not to be excited by events of this caliber.”

The third stage of the Tour de France celebrates our territory, but also the history of sport in our country with the dedication to the great Fausto Coppi: “The passage through Tortona is a beautiful gesture by the organizers, certain champions should not be forgotten” underlines the prefect.

We contacted Coppi’s son, Faustino, by phone, who said he was moved and grateful to the Tour organization for choosing to remember his father, the champion: “The passage through Tortona pays homage to his victories that have marked the history of world cycling”.

Police commissioner Ivo Morelli was also on the front line: “A large deployment of forces to guarantee the safety of a unique event for the city of Piacenza – his words -. I love applauding cyclists and their sportsmanship. We will remember this day for a long time.”

Anpas and Red Cross: 200 operators in action

Throughout the morning in the area affected by the world event, in the Tour village and in the streets of the historic center, approximately 200 operators were employed, including health workers and logistics operators deployed by the Ausl, Anpas and Red Cross. 15 teams of rescuers on foot and 8 emergency ambulances were employed.

“A great celebration made possible also by the synergy created between organizations of different colors – explains Paolo Rebecchi, provincial coordinator of Anpas -. A beautiful day that gives due credit to the commitment of all the volunteers.” “Tired but very happy to have contributed to the management of health safety in Piacenza and in all the countries affected by the passage of the Tour de France, an event of impressive scale, third only to the Football World Cup and the Olympics” echoes the provincial president of the Red Cross Giuseppe Colla.

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