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Ensemble Incantus, second place in Viterbo

Ensemble Incantus, second place in Viterbo
Ensemble Incantus, second place in Viterbo

CIVITAVECCHIA – Back to back: one year after winning first place at the “Fanum Fortunae” polyphonic choral competition in Fano, the choir of the Associazione Filarmonica Ensemble InCantus of Civitavecchia, directed by maestro Riccardo Schioppa, once again climbed onto the podium, winning second place at the First National Competition of the City of Viterbo “Vincenzo Rivoglia”.

The choir participated in the Pop, Folk and Spiritual category, composed of seven other competing choirs from all over Italy. “We are truly satisfied and honored for this second place, which repays us for a period of very intense work, in which we had to take care of many aspects related to the performance and the chosen repertoire – comments the president of the Ensemble Incantus Emanuele D’Angelantonio – it is a result that, in addition to last year’s first place at the national competition in Fano, pushes us to continue on this path, made of study and dedication”.

The Ensemble Incantus choir will be engaged in Fano on August 31st as the winning choir of last year’s competition, where they will perform the opening concert of the “International Polyphonic Week”, an event which will see the participation of numerous choirs from all over the world.

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