Legnano, the 30th Teresa Merlo Prize was awarded to the Bianca Ballabio Foundation

LEGNANO – It was delivered yesterday evening, Sunday 30 June, in the headquarters of the Legnanese family the 30th Teresa Merlo Award “A life, an activity for others”. On the recommendation of the Merlo family and as ratified by the council of the Legnanese family, this year the prize was awarded to the Bianca Ballabio Foundation, born in 2021 by the will of mother Michela and father Massimo to remember their daughter Biancaa medical student who died prematurely following a road accident (in the picturethe presentation of one of the Foundation’s projects last May 14th). The president of the Legnanese Family was present Gianfranco Bononithe Ragiù ​​Giuseppe Colombo, the mayor of Legnano Lorenzo Radicethe Lady Marialuisa Merlo e Massimo and Michela Ballabio for the Bianca Ballabio Foundation.

This is the motivation for awarding the prize: “For choosing to to bring Bianca’s dream of becoming a doctor to life through the Foundation named after her passionate and enthusiastic, dedicated to the study and development of medicine and to the care of others and the community. To have characterized the Foundation as a place for intercultural exchange of studies and insights and support both medical research and the training of young doctors, specialists and researchers. For completed projectsthrough targeted donations for innovation in the health and care fields, which give medical and scientific institutions the opportunity to operate with ever greater commitment and competence and for the Scholarships awardedwhich allow the dreams of other future doctors and researchers to come true”.

Honorary mention to the historical members of the Legnanese Family

After the memory of Chicco Clerici by President Bononi, during the evening the merit was also delivered to the historical members of the Legnanese Family; below, a brief profile of them.

Giorgio Brun92 years old, member since 1984. Gold card of the Legnanese Family, he is known in Legnano above all for his clothing stores that, from the early twentieth century until 2010, were the point of reference for those who cared about refinement and elegance. A small commercial empire, which Giorgio Brun built in his father’s footsteps, Vittorio. Ability and luck in him have always been accompanied by a good dose of generosity, a gift that he always wanted to keep well hidden. A profound connoisseur of Legnano, he has always been proud of the city, demonstrating it great attachment to the Palio and in particular to the district of San MagnoBoth he and his father served as captain and he loves to talk about the many memories of this city with his children and grandchildren.

Giorgio Brusatorimember since 1983. During the years of the presidency of Luigi Caironi he supported him as vice president and today continues to be part of the board, as an advisor. Born in Bustocco but adopted by Legnano, he was director of various branches of Banco Lariano. A huge fan of stamps, he has been for years President of the Legnanese Philatelic Association and we owe him the philatelic exhibition which is held every year, in the month of September, in the spaces of the Family. Married with Carla Marinoniliterature teacher and collaborator of Martinella, Brusatori also stood out for his active commitment within the parish of San Paolo, of which he took care of the administrative aspect for years; he was also a member of the nursery school’s board of directors.

Aurelio and Giovanni Caironimembers since 1983. Rewarding them together came naturally: they experienced participation in the association with the commitment and contagious enthusiasm that their uncle Luigi, the very president, and their father Roberto (member since 1952) have passed on to them from the beginning. Born in Legnano, they followed technical and scientific studies: Aurelio attended the Cannizzaro chemical institute in Rho alternating study withcommitment to the family business, Fias (Fonderia italiana acciai speciali) in Gorla Minore, founded in the 1950s by his father Roberto and which over time has become a leader in the special steel foundry sector. Within the company, Aurelio has always dealt with the technical and production sector and today he is President and CEO of the company. Member since 1963 of Apil (Association of industrial experts and graduates) of Legnano, first as secretary and then as vice-president, his name also appears in the roll of honor of the Fabio Vignati Awarda prestigious award that the association awards every two years to those who have distinguished themselves in the world of business or school, in the social sphere as well as in associations. He is a councilor of the Famiglia Legnanese and for several years has collaborated with the editorial staff of the Martinella.

Giovanni, known to all as Gianmaria, has a degree in mechanical engineering. He taught for years at the Polytechnic of Milanas holder of various courses (metallurgical technologies, foundry, metallurgy…) but has always shared with his brothers Aurelio and Giuseppe, and today with their respective sons, Alessandro, Gabriele e Robertothe commitment within the family business. Vice President of Assofond (National Foundry Federation), a trade association representing over a thousand Italian foundry companies, is member of the Rotary Club Busto, Gallarate, Legnano “Castellanza”of which he was president in 2002; he was also a councilor of the Ticino Olona Community Foundation as a representative of the Legnanese Family. Among the various awards he has received, we recall the most recent, on November 24th: it is theLifetime Achievement Award, presented to him by Amafondthe Italian Foundry Suppliers Association.

With Giuseppethe brother who passed away suddenly in 2007 and who has always been part of the Legnanese family, the three Caironi brothers They have created several artistic fusions: in 1992 the statue “Il Cristo la Vita” placed in the cemetery park of Legnano, but also the stainless crosses of the basilica of San Magno and the monument to Jucker in the park of the villa of the same name.

Enrico Cerianiregistered since 1985. He is a well-known accountant in the city and beyond owner of Studio Ceriani which, born in the wake of the tradition started in the 1950s by his father Angelo, has increasingly become a point of reference for many companies and professionals. Member of the board of auditors of the Famiglia Legnanese and of Immobiliare Famiglia Legnanese, as well as a member of the board of auditors of the Fondazione Famiglia Legnanese, Ceriani dedicates himself with passion to his profession, which is as rewarding as it is demanding.

Rosy Turretregistered since 1980. Born in Busto Arsizio, at the age of six he moved with his family to Legnano: his father had a delicatessen and bakery in via Calatafimi. After graduating in accounting at the Dell’Acqua institute, he found employment at the Marmotecnica of Busto Arsiziowhere he was responsible for following the accounting; he was later hired at the Caprotti dealership in Legnanowhere he remained for 35 years, until his retirement. A loyal member of the Legnanese Family, he has always been part of the board of directors, serving as treasurer, due to his familiarity with numbers. Passionate about stamps, he is a member of the Legnanese Philatelic Association.

Joseph Traniregistered since 1973. A true Legnanese, accountant with a historic firm in via della Vittoriais well known and appreciated in the city, where he has put his efforts into various realities: from Lions Club Legnano Carroccioof which he held the presidency in 1987/88, to the board of directors of the Ualz (the University of the elderly of Legnano and area) without forgetting the numerous voluntary associations that it supported.

Eight new members “pinned”.

Finally, the tapping of new members, as decided by the FL board of directors, by the respective presenting members: Alberto Fedelipresented by Gianfranco Bononi; Bruna Ferrautopresented by Sandro Cannalire; Piercarlo Erpolipresented by Piermarco Locati; Nadia Olgiati, George Rancilio e Yoko Takadapresented by Claudia Minesi; Fulvia Abati e Federico Urbani presented by Luca Vezzaro.

The environmental (un)sustainability of those who administer Legnano

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