Purchases already defined and others on the way

Purchases already defined and others on the way
Purchases already defined and others on the way

FOLIGNO – This week with the official opening of the transfer market operations, ACF Foligno could define, almost definitively, the new face of the collective that will participate in the Serie D championship as a freshman. In addition to the new names already mentioned who will arrive at the court of Alessandro Manni, sporting director Filippo Petterini plans to close the operations relating to the arrival of three other young people, destined to wear the ACF jersey. The short winger Edoardo Sottil and the goalkeeper Laerte Tognotti: both 2005 should arrive from Fiorentina; the third arrival is Pietro Maselli who wore the Borgosesia shirt last season. Again as regards the Under, Tommaso Piermarini ex Foligno should return from Sansepolcro. For the other purchases it is worth remembering that the ACF has already obtained the ‘yes’ from the various Simone Tomassini, Lorenzo Schiaroli, Edoardo Ceccuzzi and Yeiner Pupo Posada. As regards the outgoing market, in the last few hours Flavio Currieri has moved to Cannara and Matteo Brunetti to Angelana. This week the ACF will also define the final details relating to Samuele Zichella’s loan transfer to Siena. The idea of ​​bringing Endurance midfielder Imande Omohonria to the ACF, who last season at Sporting Trestina, remains current. Among those reconfirmed are Lori, Nuti, Benedetti, Mattia, Sedran, Settimi, D’Urso, Khribech, Di Cato, Calderini. In addition to the market, the ACF looks with interest at sports facilities. Work has begun on the construction of two football pitches in Sportella Marini, one grass and the other synthetic. An investment of approximately 650 thousand euros (550 thousand euros financed with the ‘Sport and Suburbs’ tender and 100 thousand co-financed by the Foligno association). “The objective – explains president Paolo Zoppi – is to create a small ‘Viola Park’ in Sportella Marini to remain linked to Fiorentina, with which we have an excellent collaborative relationship. A relationship that we will continue to maintain with the municipality of Valtopina, the whose facility will become the headquarters of the first team”.

Carlo Luccioni

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