Water consumption on the coasts doubled

Water consumption on the coasts doubled
Water consumption on the coasts doubled

There is a boom in water requests to face a very hot June, which gives hope for a significant presence in seaside resorts, along the coasts, from Cilento to Amalfi. The index of presences in the territory and tourist mobility it is also measured through requests of more water reaching the entities, Asis, Consac and Ausino. The aqueduct technicians explain that the water situation is in balance everywhere, the state of the springs is currently at the maximum of their annual flow, but it is certainly a temporary condition.

Now we can see the fruits of the winter, more balanced for Asis and Ausino, with a slightly smaller presence of sources for Consac in Cilento, but this year the season starts with some news. The resources involved to reduce the losses of the Faraone spring after two years of work, together with the arrangement of 25 km of networks, it means that Consac can serenely guarantee water to citizens. For the president, Gennaro Maione, «the scarce presence of water together with the work we have done and the organization we have to deal with the requests make us imagine, at the moment, a quiet summer, net of any sudden and unforeseeable breakages that could occur».

The last two weekends have seen very high peaks in consumption everywhere and therefore resulting in growing requests from the Municipalities, from Castellabate to Marina di Camerota. Same thing for the area further north, where Asis has found significant needs. The weekends of June had a “violent impact” in terms of consumption, say Asis. Between Capaccio, Agropoli and Castellabate there have been increases in water requests of between 30-50%. Weekends in June are basically like August. With the opening of alternative supplies, of wells, between Eboli and Battipaglia, tranquility was guaranteed to these areas, functionality was also ensured further south thanks to the Paestum relaunch plant, i.e. the presence of a pump system capable of passing greater quantities of water, without straining the normal networks, which ensured the presence of 70/80 liters per second more than the 300 that were needed. The works carried out between Eboli, Battipaglia, Bellizzi, Pontecagnano have then improved the networks and new interventions are planned in around fifteen municipalities, both in the internal areas, between Alburni, Calore and Alto Cilento, but also in Agropoli, where there are contracted works and soon to be launched to monitor networks, find leaks and reduce them with the work to be done. Contract in progress, we are just waiting for the start of the intervention.

«The organizational machine has been in motion for some timewe worked on the supply system, with targeted work to regenerate the networks – explains Italo Lullo, CEO of Asis – The summer should be quite quiet, based on today’s situation”. The exponential increase in attendance that is recorded especially on weekends is just a taste of the real test, which will be as always in August, when every day will have a maximum peak.

The critical issues, however, remain in areas with network-related problemsas for the Asis Aqueduct of Alto Sele, where breakages and necessary closures for repairs do not make diversified supplies possible, such as wells or interconnections, which instead can be had in other areas of the province. And this determines shifts among citizens. But the problem is the very nature of these networks. In recent days, there have even been thefts of copper on networks, requiring forced closures. But these are episodes and in any case with events and structural problems. Even on the Amalfi Coast, water resources have a regular trend. “At the moment we have no problems satisfying requests – explains Giuseppe Vitagliano, technical manager of Ausino – The many B&Bs in the area make presences constant and important everywhere, even on other days besides the weekend. The problem remains above all that of improper use of water resources”.


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