France, the Socialists’ Trick to Sabotage Le Pen’s Victory

We will withdraw our candidates as soon as there is a risk of a victory for the Rassemblement National“. This was stated by the first secretary of the French Socialist Party, Olivier Faure commenting on the first results of the first round of the legislative elections. “It’s a historic result. For the first time the far right can govern“, underlines Faure on TF1. “The question we ask ourselves is: do we give them full powers or not?“, Faure wondered. “The position of the socialists is extremely clear: there will not be, anywhere, a candidate as long as there is a risk of electing a candidate from the far right. There will be no exceptions“, he added.

“PFor the second round, the New Popular Front is present in a duel in most cases, most often against the RN. According to our principles, nowhere will we allow the RN to win“. So also the leader of the France Unbowed, Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “In the event that Rn comes first and we come third, we will withdraw our candidacy. In any case, our instructions are simple, direct and clear: neither one vote nor one more seat for the Rn“, he added.

The French President Emmanuel Macron would have asked to study the situation of each constituency to find alliances, including with the candidates of La France Insoumise, to block the Rassemblement National of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella. This is reported Bfmtv in view of the second round of the legislative elections next Sunday. Second Bfmtva new one is expected tomorrow morning “strategic meeting” all’Eliseo.

In light of the initial results, between 65 and 85 deputies could have been elected in the first round. This is estimated by theIpsos. While there would be a runoff with three candidates to elect between 285 and 315 deputies. The National Assembly has a total of 577 deputies, some of whom were elected in French overseas territories.

According to the first estimates from polling institutes, the Rassemblement National has a clear advantage in the first round of the historic legislative elections which could open the doors of power to the far right for the first time under the Fifth Republic. With 34.2-34.5% of the votes, the party of Jordan Bardella e Marine Le Pen and his allies are ahead of the New Popular Front which unites the left, which obtained 28.5-29.1%, far ahead of the camp of Emmanuel Macron at 20.5-21.5%, in this vote marked by a surge in turnout, according to estimates published at 8 pm by Ipsos and Ifop. The Republicans, who have not formed an alliance with the RNn, stand at 10%.

The first projections in terms of seats for the future National Assembly, to be taken with great caution, predict a strong relative majority for the RN and its allies, or even one absolute majority at the end of the second round next Sunday. The Rassemblement National, according to the first preliminary data from the first round of the legislative elections, could win from 260 to 310 seats all’National Assemblythe French Chamber of Deputies.

In this case, if the data were confirmed, the RN would have an absolute majority which is set at 289. The New Popular Front it would win from 115 to 145 seats. Together for the Republic it would have between 90 and 120 seats versus 245 today, he reports Bfm.

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