Sporting Tennis Club 2.0 of Bisceglie wins the playoffs and flies to B1

Sporting Tennis Club 2.0 of Bisceglie wins the playoffs and flies to B1
Sporting Tennis Club 2.0 of Bisceglie wins the playoffs and flies to B1
A much desired promotion that has arrived at the end of a long journey. Great joy at the Sporting Tennis Club, the Bisceglie team has achieved the objective of promotion to Serie B1 with a team that has managed to cross the coveted finish line with daily training.

In the first phase of the playoffs, the Sporting Tennis Club 2.0 brought home a 5-1 victory against the Vicenza municipal tennis team, the Bisceglie standard bearers Valentin Florez, Francisco Bahamonde, Matias Fernandez, Manolo Baldini captained by Francesco Sasso even if they managed with some difficulty to impose themselves against the Venetian team. The first positive result was confirmed on Sunday 30 June when the Vicenza team was unable to stop the Bisceglie standard bearers who won easily and therefore gained the pass for the B1 championship.

“A victory that we had been aiming for since the beginning of the championship, which did not start in the best way, but thanks to the determination and willpower of the boys we managed to bring home the desired result – said captain Francesco Sasso. – The matches were not at all easy, but I thank all the staff and the team of Sporting Tennis Club 2.0, who believed in us until the end. I congratulate the entire team from Vicenza for their skill and commitment during the matches, they were worthy opponents to whom I want to wish the best for the future” concluded captain Sasso joined by Bisceglieviva.

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