«Giving it to Matteotti and keeping it for the instigator of his murder is a paradox»

«Giving it to Matteotti and keeping it for the instigator of his murder is a paradox»
«Giving it to Matteotti and keeping it for the instigator of his murder is a paradox»

TREVISO – In the debate on the failure to revoke the honorary citizenship a Benito Mussolini by the town Council of Treviso, on the very day that Giacomo Matteotti was granted honorary citizenship, Rachele Scarpa, a Treviso deputy of the Democratic Party, also enters with force. “We have reached a paradox: with one hand, honorary citizenship is granted to Giacomo Matteotti, justifying it with the deep adherence to the values ​​that he embodied, and with the other, the honorary citizenship granted 100 years ago to Benito Mussolini is preserved, who was the instigator and responsible for Matteotti’s murder, because the fact is “historic” and “dated”” writes the deputy. And yet Giacomo Matteotti was killed precisely for the values ​​that he represented” writes the deputy.


«The opposition forces and the Democratic Party, which I thank – continues Scarpa – rightly asked with the minority motion that this paradoxical ambiguity be eliminated: the votes of the city council related to immobile and monumental history, or perhaps to living memory , which breathes every day also thanks to our political choices? That crime retains a great historical and symbolic significance, even more so today, in the year in which we remember the 100th anniversary of the event and in the days in which a Fanpage investigation uncovers how in the youth organization of the main government force regurgitations of anti-Semitism and neo-fascism”.


«On these issues there should be nothing but unity, however it is sad to note that the majority in support of the Conte administration has perhaps only halfway taken into account the history of our country: it is no coincidence that in this discussion on “historical, limited” facts and dated” the city councilors who come from the Forza Nuova path were absent – closes Scarpa – Mayor Mario Conte is sure that our city, gold medal for military valour, does not deserve a more mature, aware and reality-based discussion , who can ever ignore history?”.


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The Gazzettino

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